Is the Tech Industry getting greener?

Whether in a classroom or in the boardroom, the practice of taking hand written notes has been a habit that has stayed with me. Perhaps it was a skill that was ingrained into my consciousness from elementary school. Unfortunately this is not an environmentally sound activity. According to 3.5 billion to 7 billion trees are cut down per year.  However, the  exact percentage of  trees being cut to support the paper industry is unknown.  And there is still also some debate as to whether the paper and pulp industry is moving fast enough in utilizing recycled materials, defective trees or from lumber milling residues.  No matter what the industry is doing, we as consumers should adjust how we work.

Go Digital and Save the Planet

There are environmentally sound and technologically astute alternatives to utilizing the traditional note pad. There are a multitude of devices (ie tablets, laptops, mobile devices) you can purchase that enable you to take notes.  However, they can be quite expensive. The Rocketbook Everlast is a high tech note taking alternative that will enable you to help save the trees without burning a hole into your pocket.

The Everlast enables you to take notes easily in a reusable notebook. The notebook comes with 32 letter size pages. After you have taken your notes, you simply circle the destination symbol on the bottom of the page.  The Everlast leverages digital paper, smart icons (tiles), QR codes and other high tech wizardy that uploads the content on to pre-defined destination(s).

Leveraging your mobile and the Rocketbook app, you can scan your hand written notes and email, iMessage or load your notes up on to the cloud destination of your choice.  Included in the cloud choices are Google Drive, Evernote, Dropbox, OneDrive, OneNote, Slack, Box, iCloud. When scanning, the Rocketbook app uses machine vision to search for the page.

The Rocketbook App also has some additional cool features such as:

  • Email Transcription – every scan you send to an email address, they can transcribe handwritten notes and place the text in the body of the email.
  • Smart Search – search through your handwritten notes
  • Auto or Manual email: The app can be configured to send your scans automatically

Many people say that the main benefits of having digital note taking devices such as Rocketbook’s Everlast is  the ability to upload your information seamlessly to a secure location and access it at any time. My belief is that the environmental impact is also a great reason to go digital in your note taking.

Features and Specifications

  • Dimensions:
    • Letter Size: 8.5 in x 11 in / 32 pages
    • Executive Size: 6 in x 8.8 in / 36 pages
  • Cover colors: Infinity Black, Atomic Red, Midnight Blue, Neptune Teal
  • App: Rocketbook App
    • Requires iOS 9.0+. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
    • Requires Android 4.2+
  • Cloud Integration: Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote, Slack, Box, and iCloud


For more information or to acquire:  Rocketbook Everlast

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