Category: Uncategorized

The Parrot Zik 3 wants a Wireless Revolution

Wireless sound has surely come a long way. The evolution of wireless headphones has been dramatic in recent years. In past the freedom offered by Bluetooth headphones has been offset by the horrible sound quality. The Parrot Zik 3 provides consumers with a luxuriously elegant design, seamless connectivity, comfort and smooth, rich, well-balanced sound in …

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Fashion Heats up #Wearables with ThermalTech Solar Powered Smart Jackets

Technology is a transformational force that converts everyday, ordinary objects into lifestyle changing devices. Clothing is no exception to this phenomenon. The latest integration of fashion with technology is the world’s first Solar-Powered Smart Jacket by ThermalTech. The atypical approach to combat the extreme chills of winter has been to layer up. According to our …

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Staying Awake on the Road with Vigo @wearvigo #Bluetooth #CES2016

It is amazing the diversity of products at #CES2016. As a person who drives a fair distance to work, I am well aware of the challenges of falling asleep or loosing my focus due to being tired. Every year, drowsiness causes 100,000 accidents on the road, leading to $12.5 billion lost in damages. Hoping to …

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The Ultimate in Mac elegance with the BookArc möd by @twelvesouth

For the ultimate in technology connoisseurs comes the BookArc möd.  Whether at home, in the office or for the home office you can equip your space with high-quality furniture that meets the needs of your workspace and looks simple sensational. Elegant, high tech, contemporary, this modern, minimalist MacBook stand will transform your desk at home …

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Crystal Clear Hands-free HD sound in the car with the @Parrot MINIKIT Neo 2 #Bluetooth

Smart phones have become a wonderfully irreplaceable technology that provides us with the ability to communicate with friends, family and colleagues no matter where we are. However, there is a dark side to this technology as smart phone use in the car has resulted in tragic circumstances. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration …

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Meet #WuvoSpot the High-Tech Pet Detective @myWuvo #IoT

Friends and family who know me are aware that I constantly am misplacing my keys and my cat. The “find my key” game is an almost daily occurrence. My morning commute gets delayed by at least 10 minutes with my frantic household search of my pockets, pants and rooms. On the other end of the …

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Rise up and Acquire Audio Excellence with @TheHouseofMarley

The absolute must have for any smartphone, tablet, music player, game station or television is a great selection of headphones. However, when it comes to music accessories, there are an endless selection. So it is very important to take into consideration 4 factors when selecting your headphones Look, Feel, Sound and Impact Our friends at …

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HighTech Weather Prognostication with the @Netatmo #IoT Weather Stations

With Christmas only two months away and with the appearance of snow flurries on the horizon, I thought it was a wonderful opportunity to talk about this great gift I purchased for my mother. In an age of increasing uncertain weather patterns, technology has once again come to the rescue. The Batman and Robin of …

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