How to Track and Find your valuables with the iFi Smart Tag


Gizmo readers, as you are aware replacing car keys today is an expensive task. The cost of a replacement is about $600. Hence misplacing or losing the keys will immediately result in some panic.

Our friends at  iFi (“I Found It “) Systems LLC have developed a Smart Tag™ system for your keys, purse or any other item. These tags are small and lightweight and can be attached to almost anything. After tagging, simply press red button for about 3 sec to turn Tag ON. A beep will sound and LED will start flashing

If your keys or purse or any other item you are tracking gets separated or left behind and goes out of range of your phone, your phone alerts you immediately that they are left behind. The iFi System will send you an email with Google map showing last location of disconnect. If you cannot find your valuables press red button for 3 sec till you hear a beep. A signal will be sent to find the phone. If phone is within the range, it will start ringing or vibrating.

To turn OFF, press red button for about 7 sec. A beep will sound and red LED will flash before Tag turns OFF. The system is completely customizable, You can choose separate ring tone for each tag.

For Apple users, do not fear because there is a iFi Smart Tag Locating System-iPhone Version available.


Product Specifications

  • Dimensions: 7.5 x 5.6 x 1.5 inches
  • Weight: 3.2 ounces
  • Connectivity: connect over Bluetooth
  • Rechargeable battery (3- 4 days after each charge
  • APP: free from App store/Google Play
  • Operating System: Android OS 3.2 and above


References: Buy a iFi Smart Tag™ for Android on Amazon


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