A sprinkle of IoT is great for your Cat #CES2020

Here at the worlds largest Consumer Electronics Show, Technology has gone to the cats?

Innovative French Tech extraordinaire and cat lover Novandsat has created an IoT connected litter box “Caremitou” designed to check and track your cats’ health and wellness. Caremitou is made up of three components:

The Caremitou connected litter BOX – The litter box is equipped with some discrete sensors allowing to gather more than 20 essential parameters including weight, frequency of visits and duration.



The Caremitou Pad – This device allows for the collection and analysis of  more than fourteen parameters from your cats urine including glucose, protein, pH, blood through simple diagnoses parameters including color, volume and turbidity. It also allows the owner to store and transport the sample to your veterinarian for more in-depth analysis.

The Caremitou App – The app allows the owner to store and track (if needed) information such as weight. In order to sync the collected data with the app, the owner simply needs to pair, via Bluetooth, his smartphone with the e-litter.


Caremitou works in collaboration with your Vet

What you should know is the system does not replace your vet. However, unlike your yearly visit. What Caremitou provides the pet owner and the vet with are more detailed data on your cats health.

The system allows you to observe your cat, without disturbing the behavior of the animal.  This can be done by gathering data during litter box visits.

For more information or to acquire: Caremitou

About Novandsat
Founded in 2017 by Philippe Daurenjou, Novandsat plans design tools for the detection and monitoring of animal diseases from home.

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