Toronto Takes Center Stage at the 2024 Collision Tech Conference

Brace yourselves, Tech enthusiasts! Collision –  North America’s booming tech event, returns to Toronto from June 17th to 20th, 2024. This year promises to be bigger and intends to blow your mind even more than before.

A Global Hub for Innovation:

Imagine a place where industry giants, groundbreaking startups, and renowned thought leaders converge. That’s Collision 2024. Over 800 speakers, 1400 journalists, and 2000 startups from 140+ countries will assemble alongside 1000 investors and 300 partners. This dynamic mix fosters unparalleled networking opportunities and sparks solutions to pressing global challenges.

Inspiring Leaders Take the Stage:

Get ready to be inspired by a stellar lineup of keynote speakers. Tennis legend and savvy investor Maria Sharapova will share her insights. Youth activist Autumn Peltier, a runner-up for the International Children’s Peace Prize,will champion Indigenous rights. And AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton, will discuss the future of artificial intelligence.

As Canada’s undisputed tech leader (and North America’s third-largest), Toronto boasts a thriving tech scene. With 24,000 tech companies and a workforce of nearly 290,000 professionals, the city is a melting pot of talent, research, and development. This fertile ground positions Toronto as a global hub for innovation.

Startups Take Over Collision 2024:

This year marks Collision‘s final year in Toronto, and they’re pulling out all the stops! A record-shattering number of startups – a staggering 1,600 hailing from 57 countries – will showcase their groundbreaking ideas. Collision 2024 promises to be a launchpad for the future’s leading tech companies.

Stay Tuned for Live Coverage:

New Gizmo will be there, front and center, bringing you live coverage of all the exciting innovations emerging from the Enercare Center at Collision 2024. Don’t miss a beat!

For more information on  Collision

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