Author's posts
Oct 25 2017
Stunning Breakfast Breakouts in 3D Printing
3D printing has become an expressive way of projecting one’s ideas in a non-traditional and non-linear way. It has transformed ordinary people into micro manufacturing enthusiasts at school, at work and at home. Whether it be large cities or small towns, you will now find 3D printers in libraries where children and adults alike create 3D …
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Oct 23 2017
Merging Morphing Mesmerizing Robots clean out your Gutters
With the change in temperature and the onset of Autumn comes the accompanying indoor and outdoor activities including raking, preparing your garden for winter and the every annoying gutter cleaning. In addition to removing the messy, wet and dirty garden waste from the gutters, there is the risk associated with going up and down the …
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Oct 19 2017
IoT Plug-and-play vehicle Wi-Fi launched by ZTE Canada
A car survival kit is one of those items you don’t plan for until you need it. Most emergencies may range from a flat tire to running out of gas. However with autumn half way through, if you have yet to build your winter survival kit, then now is the time. Most of think of …
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Oct 11 2017
Mac Duality with Enviro-friendly Display Technology
Anyone who has migrated from a single to a dual display monitor configuration has seen the power and intrinsic advantages of having a second monitor. Two monitors enable you to simply run multiple applications and extend your workspace optimally. Instead of pressing Alt+Tab to switch between screens, you can view, edit and interact seamlessly between multiple …
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Sep 22 2017
A Bluetooth Cloudburst of Immersive Disruptive Fashion Technology
Long gone are the days where the paths of Fashion and Technology are mutually exclusive. #FashionTech has become a highly progressive, harmonious, partnership. Mainstream Technology companies such as Apple and LG have intrinsically linked the elegance and sophistication of design with the bleeding edge technology components. The union of Art, Design and Technology are stylishly showcased by the Richard …
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Sep 18 2017
Extreme Entertainment with High-Tech Hypersonic Hoopla
Fidget spinners may have been the popular (irritating) toy of the summer. But beyond the (boring) spinning on the user’s finger what exactly did it do? Available on Kickstarter today is a toy that will leave those nasty fidget spinners in their dust. The PowerUp Dart is a next generation remote controlled paper airplane. Before you ask …
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Sep 14 2017
Sleep Well! Live Well! Smart Pillows to provide deeper slumber
Sleep Smarter ! Live Better ! Our gadgets provide us with a world of improvements. According to Gartner, smart or IoT devices will outnumber the world’s population in 2017. For a vast amount of us, having a good night sleep is something that is very difficult. According to statistics released by the American Sleep association 50 to …
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Sep 08 2017
Smart Home Nights with Cool Tech Days @iHome
The first week of back to school always provides challenges in getting back into the routine. The biggest of the demands is getting up in time to make it to class. A study published this year in the Journal of Scientific Reports linked irregular sleep patterns with poor academic performance. Within the report according to Charles …
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