Category: Baby

This AI tech looks to keep your baby safe #Littleonecare

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As a parent of a newborn baby, it can be challenging to know what sleep habits are normal and what to expect. Unfortunately, it is alarming to hear about the statistics with babies and sleeping. In the United States, there are about 3,500 sleep-related deaths among U.S. babies each year, including sudden infant death syndrome …

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Are Smart monitors the solution for you Baby ?

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As a parent, you never stop to worry about your child day or night.  As a result, parents look for a great baby monitor to ensure their baby is safe. The great thing is that #baby camera technology has evolved over the last few years. Consequently, if you like the flexibility of a secure #Smartmonitor, …

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The NextGen IoT Tech that is AWAIR of Every Breath You Take @Bitfinder

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Knowing what is in the air you are breathing allows you to be “Awair“ and improve your air quality. Pollution is not just an outdoor occurrence. Inside your house and office unhealthy air can occur from mold, formaldehyde, dust and Carbon Dioxide. For those with asthma, you can create the best possible environment by monitoring …

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Keeping an #IoT eye on Junior with the Withings Baby Monitor

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From the young extended to seniors, the every increasing footprint of technology within our lives is tremendous.  Some may view this trend as somewhat Orwellian, but others such as myself see the positive changes as a result Our friends at Withings have released the new Withings Home Baby Monitor to help you ensure your baby …

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Pacif-i Soothes Childern, Parents & @CSICyber @BlueMaestroNews #IoT

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Having watched the latest episode of CSI: Cyber last night on television I was intrigued and inspired to write an article about this cool technology introduced by Ted Danson’s character “D.B. Russell” . For those who have not watched the episode, do not worry because I won’t reveal any spoilers. Early on  DB Russell was …

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Sleep Better and Relax Easier with the HoMedics SoundSpa

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For many of us, the simple action of sleeping is very challenging. Whether it be the stress from our daily grind, or as a result of worrying about the future.  Getting a good nights sleep is not that easy. If you are like me and have problems getting to sleep, then perhaps here is a …

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A Romantic Valentine’s Day Gadget for parents by Evoz

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Buy the ultimate Valentine’s day Gizmo for your Sweetheart. Gizmo readers, this year instead of buying chocolates or flowers , purchase the most  romantic Gadget for your love.  The Evoz Smart Parenting Monitor is the ultimate in Valentine’s day gift that will provide you with a wonderfully quiet and romantic Valentine’s dinner. Evoz had redefined …

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Someone to watch over them with the Child Angel Smart Child Locator

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It is alarming how thousands of children are reported missing each year.  A parents biggest fear is the times that they cannot protect their children 24 hours a day. Especially when your child is walking home from school or playing outside. Part of the standard operating procedures these days include instructing your child on what …

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