Category: CES

Want to have the Bieber sing to you every day?

Jb brush2

Brush Buddies, a California based provider of oral care products has come out with the ultimate in clean fun with their release of the Justin Bieber singing tooth brush. Launched in retail in August of 2011 now with different brush models, they play two of Justin’s hit songs “Baby” & “ U Smile” and “Somebody …

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High Quality Studio Recording in the palm of your hand.

Ixy 03

One of the hidden gems from this year’s Consumer Electronic was the RØDE iXY stereo microphone for iPhone and iPad. Deceivingly small (the approximate size of a USB key), this cutting dynamic device is designed to provide a simple but flexible environment for recording audio for voice and instrument. Whether it’s narration or a simple …

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Let your music come alive with Brookstone’s Speaker

Brookstone big blue live

Looking for a great wireless speaker that is easy to set up and sounds great? Well Brookstone has the solution for you. The Big Blue Live speaker delivers deep, powerful, room-filling, concert quality sound with huge bass. It’s easy to connect to this Wireless Speaker. Simple enable your device’s (mobile phone, television) Bluetooth, turn on …

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PixelOptics’ emPower!™ vision into the future

Pixel optics empower2

Some of our readers wear bio-focals and have asked, is there anything new technology wise for eye wear. Well gizmo readers we have great news. PixelOptics have created the world’s first electronic focusing eye wear called emPower!™ which has brought vision care into the 21st century. Although the technology is complex, the methodology behind the …

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Find relaxation with Deepak Chopra’s Dream Weaver

Dreamweaver 1

The daily stress of our lifestyles makes it very difficult for us to relax. Often even during the long commute home on the train or bus it takes each of us a while to come down from the hectic day. Well readers, Deepak Chopra has developed a device called the Dream Weaver which uses light …

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Get the party started with the GI ipico Handheld projector

Ipico handheld

Here is a small but essential device that should be part of your entertainment kit. The ipico handheld personal projector is a unique, affordable and highly portable projector created by General Imaging that is light weight (3.6 ounces) and will not take a lot of real estate in your electronic kit. To use, simply snap …

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A Really Sweet Desktop Camera

Mini 5 5mp desktop camera

New Gizmo readers, here is one of the little gems of the Consumer Electronics show in Vegas. To say the HoverCam Mini 5 desktop (scanner) camera is “the world’s smallest desktop scanner” would underestimate this little dynamo. In addition to being an OCR it provides, audio and video recording, video conferencing and interactive white board …

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The X-mini KAI brings you X-tremely High Quality Sound

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The X-mini KAI Wireless Capsule speaker is a small but dynamic device is a must have for your backpack. Whether listening to music on the beach or paired with your phone in the car, it will bring you high quality sound no matter the surroundings. The KAI features Bluetooth v2.1 + Enhanced. Data Rate (EDR) …

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