Category: Audio

Portable, Powerful Audio Empowerment for the iPhone X

Whether you are part of the iOS or Android army, you will agree that some of the decisions taken by Apple on the iPhone X bring challenges to consumers. Since the release of the iPhone 7 mobile Apple users saw the disappearance of the headphone jack, to be replace with Apple provided AirPods. Unfortunately, the iPhoneX didn’t …

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Crush your competition with Sports Earphones that will take you to the next level

Any athlete knows that in addition to having the right equipment, that a great sound is optimal to motivate and push your training. The power of a pumped up playlist  will help push amateur and professional athletes to the next level. Before you lace up consider the latest in sport earphones from SOUL Electronics. Run, …

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The ORII voice-powered Smart ring has a finger up on Wearable Tech

Many of us are aware of the impact of Wearable Technology in fitness and healthcare. However disappointing to some is the overall design, flexibility and interaction with other technology. Headlines from a survey conducted by Endeavour Partner have indicated that 50% of us give up within the first 6 months of using our wearable gadgets. …

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Elegant High Tech Wearable Fashion immersed with Bluetooth

Finding Elegant Electronic Gadgets is as easy as saying WizPak™. One of misnomers of technology is that it is just functional and boring. Anyone who things tech types don’t know anything about fashion should talk with our friends at WizPak™. Nothing spells Gadget gorgeous more than WizPak™ Riri. A mix of High Tech sound meets …

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Audiophile Acoustics that will have you Dancing poolside

Unofficially summer kicked off this week with the July 4th celebrations. Nothing is better than chilling poolside with some hot fresh Tech. Swimming in silence is so old school, so why not open up a can of treb mid and base unveiling the latest tunes with Pool side Speakers by Monster. The Monster SuperStar BackFloat Bluetooth Speaker …

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The Rebirth of the Big RaveBox BoomBox Zinger by Monster

Crank up your Summer funtertainment with a speaker that will have your tunes sounding and looking great! The Monster Superstar RaveBox will deliver that full stereo sound across your backyard patio or pool. Looking to resurrect the Boombox genre in your backyard, our friends at Monster have introduced a 16+ pound of ear thumping, jaw …

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Consumers await for CES 2017 the Worlds Largest Electronics show in Las Vegas

Welcome to near eve of CES 2017 in Las Vegas. This year will mark 50 years of amazing technology. Just how do we summarize the expectations of the worlds largest and best Consumer Electronics Event? Well lets look at last year’s event to provide you with a taste of what to expect. Last year nearly 177,393 attendees …

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Rogue One leaves fans wanting more Star Wars Gadgets

ROGUE ONE: A Star Wars Story hits theaters on Thursday night. Based on the movie trailers we know the plot—rebels stealing the blueprints for the Death Star.  However this is not the only technology that Star Wars fans can pick up this December. It is never too late to stock up on the latest Star Wars gear to showcase. Available …

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