Category: Gaming

Gamer’s Dare to Dream with Unprecedented Mobile Technology #ROG

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For those who Dare to Dream, the world of gaming has been transformed by the latest in revolutionary mobile technology. Built for gamers, ASUS Republic of Gamers (ROG) unleashed the worlds most advanced gaming smartphone that will revolutionize where and how you play.  The ROG Phone 5 Series is the latest and most powerful incarnation …

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Apple 5G iPhones

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Apple’s new long waited devices faced a crunch last month but finally, it will be available at your nearest apple store or a click away.  Apple’s new iPhone 12 and the iPhone 12 Pro lineup comes standard with 5G, A14 Bionic chips, edge to edge Ceramic shield Super Retina XDR display with a new body.  …

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Enabling IoT connectivity with Wi-Fi 6 speeds


With more IoT enabled Connected devices at home, Consumers are going Wireless. Recently, Stanford University and Avast have published  a research paper entitled All Things Considered. It indicated that 66% of homes in North America possess at least one IoT device, more than a quarter more than the global average of 40%. Additionally, 25% of …

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Release the inner eSport Usain Bolt in you

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Is your child the next elite eSport athlete? With multi-million dollar prize pools and millions of dollars in wagers, it’s no surprise that some parents are trying to help cultivate and develop their child’s gaming skills. Being an successful eSport athlete can lead to scholarships from  major universities and the potential to make very good …

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TP-Link Archer C3200 evolves to meet IoT requirements for the Smart Home

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From its inception in the 1960s, the router has matured along with the internet. With the evolution of IoT, home routing technology has radically changed the way we connect to and protect our homes. Wireless routers are transforming to meet the ever changing demands of the modern home with its multiple iOT enabled devices phones, …

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Consumers await for CES 2017 the Worlds Largest Electronics show in Las Vegas


Welcome to near eve of CES 2017 in Las Vegas. This year will mark 50 years of amazing technology. Just how do we summarize the expectations of the worlds largest and best Consumer Electronics Event? Well lets look at last year’s event to provide you with a taste of what to expect. Last year nearly 177,393 attendees …

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Linksys enables IoT Everywhere with the AC1900 Router (EA7500)

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The Internet of Things (IoT) will touch every aspect of our lives. It will dramatically change the consumer experience and connectivity. Many analyst continue to tell us that IoT is expected to connect more than 30 billion devices by 2020. Whether it’s a television, thermostat or home security system, the data from IoT sensors is …

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Smart Homes get upgraded with the @Linksys AC1900 MU-MIMO router #CES2016

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Welcome to CES® 2016. This annual Superbowl for Consumer technologies takes place in Las Vegas every January. Network innovator Linksys® announced this morning a line-up of new MAX-STREAM MU-MIMO networking solutions. The new Linksys® AC1900 MU-MIMO router (EA7500) leverages the 802.11ac Wave 2 MU-MIMO (Multi-User, Multiple Input, Multiple Output) technology. MU-MIMO is changing the way …

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