Category: Computer

Smart Homes get upgraded with the @Linksys AC1900 MU-MIMO router #CES2016

Welcome to CES® 2016. This annual Superbowl for Consumer technologies takes place in Las Vegas every January. Network innovator Linksys® announced this morning a line-up of new MAX-STREAM MU-MIMO networking solutions. The new Linksys® AC1900 MU-MIMO router (EA7500) leverages the 802.11ac Wave 2 MU-MIMO (Multi-User, Multiple Input, Multiple Output) technology. MU-MIMO is changing the way …

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High Tech Gadgets for the Horse Riding Enthusiast in your house

Horse riding has long been recognized as an activity that aesthetically merges people, their animal companions and nature. In addition to the exercise, riders enjoy mountain air and incredible scenery with their friends, family and equine friends. Surprisingly there are some pretty cool tech devices out there that will help keep our riding community safe …

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Eco-Conscious Audio Acoustic Rebel unleashed by @HouseofMarley

Just in time for Christmas our friends at House of Marley have released a new high tech audio headphone gear based on its higher quality of eco-conscious design. The REBEL™ is an affordable deluxe on-ear Bluetooth® headphones. These eco-conscious audio acoustics are made out of “blended materials based on bio-mass and eco-plastics to ensure a …

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Saving the Planet One Cartridge at a time with the Epson Expression ET 2550

With consumers becoming more environmentally aware, one of the trends in Consumer Electronics Technology has seen some of the biggest names embrace more eco-friendly designs for their products. Epson, one of the innovators in high performance products, has released the Epson Expression ET 2550 . At only 19.3″ x 20.7″ 11.6″ (W x D x …

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Crystal Clear Hands-free HD sound in the car with the @Parrot MINIKIT Neo 2 #Bluetooth

Smart phones have become a wonderfully irreplaceable technology that provides us with the ability to communicate with friends, family and colleagues no matter where we are. However, there is a dark side to this technology as smart phone use in the car has resulted in tragic circumstances. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration …

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Sensational Sound with the New @Sonos Play:5

Sonos has completely redesigned the Play:5 its cornerstone speaker, In addition to removing the buttons from the top, Sonos has revamped and tweaked the physical design . The New Play:5 is also 20 to 25 percent larger than its predecessor Color wise, the new sensational speaker is available in two options, custom matte black and …

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Rise up and Acquire Audio Excellence with @TheHouseofMarley

The absolute must have for any smartphone, tablet, music player, game station or television is a great selection of headphones. However, when it comes to music accessories, there are an endless selection. So it is very important to take into consideration 4 factors when selecting your headphones Look, Feel, Sound and Impact Our friends at …

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Accell supports Great Travel Tech with Greater Power Gadgetry

Whether it be a smart phone or table, portable music player, speaker, camera or GPS. bringing our technology brings many benefits. Unfortunately with great technology comes great power requirements which can be very challenging on international trips. Our friends at Accell are aware and are up to the challenge and have an amazing great Gizmo …

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