Category: Printing

3D Printing: Triumphs, Challenges, and the TinyMaker Revolution

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Additive manufacturing, commonly referred to as 3D printing, is a process that turns digital designs into tangible three-dimensional objects by layering materials such as plastic, metal, or resin. This innovative technology has been praised for its ability to produce intricate designs, minimize material waste, and streamline rapid prototyping for fields like healthcare, aerospace, and consumer …

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Dlink’s new router won the CES2022 Innovation award

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Gone are the frustrating days of trial and error setting up your wifi router for the best optimal positions for the best wifi signals around your house.   The new Dlink AXE11000 Tri-band Wi-Fi 6E Router is armed with mechanical moving antennae to best position itself for best signal output. The router features many innovative performances …

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Kensington king of laptop docking stations

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Working from home has always been a smaller presence before covid-19 hit us like a tsunami.   When COVID-19 forced companies all over the world to send their employees home to work virtually, remote work had a big moment.  The rush comes with challenges for many who just recently have to work remotely on a small …

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Impactful, Creative and will Unleash your mind in 3D


3D printing is no doubt Disruptive Bleeding Edge Technology.  But will it ever become mainstream? Despite many questioning , the application of 3D printing technology is ever increasing. Whether it be 3D printing replacement parts, fashion accessories or prototype development, we are seeing more and more application of this high tech tool. From a consumer standpoint, 55% …

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Stunning Breakfast Breakouts in 3D Printing

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3D printing has become an expressive way of projecting one’s ideas in a non-traditional and non-linear way. It has transformed ordinary people into micro manufacturing enthusiasts at school, at work and at home. Whether it be large cities or small towns, you will now find 3D printers in libraries where children and adults alike create 3D …

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An Affordable 3D Printer in the Palm of your Hand by PocketMaker


With the Christmas season upon us, I stumbled on the ultimate tech gift. Portable 3D printers are nothing new and there are a number on the open market.  However many of these printers are costly and challenging to use for the novice user. The PocketMaker 3d printer is a great gift at a very affordable price. Small …

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Cost effective printing with the Anvil 3D printer

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Over the last few years the growth and excitement over 3D printing has been incredible. However from a consumer standpoint although the enthusiasm has been great, actual adaptation has been tempered. This can be directly attributed to two factors, price and ease of use. The cost of 3D printers unlike its one dimensional cousin is …

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3D Transformations with @Robo3dprinter R2 Mini #Showstoppers #CES2016

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3D printing was one of the surprises of #CES years past. We’ve all heard of 3D printing from news reports and various articles. Although the industry had exploded within the last few years, until recently, 3D technology has been still at the realm of science fiction with price tags out of the reach of consumers. …

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