Category: Digital Camera/Photos

Artistic Gadgetry with the Wacom Cintiq 22HD touch pen display

Art and Technology are two elements that seem to be on mutually opposite sides of life’s periodic table. However, there are many examples in history where there is an overlap. Take for example Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519). Known for being an artist inventor and renaissance man, Leonardo’s life overlapped both worlds. Flip forward 500 years …

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Gadget Enchantment with the Magical Mobi Wireless SDHC Card by Eyefi

The only thing better than a great device, is one that is enhanced by a gadget. Created by California based Eyefi, is a Wireless SDHC card that will transform your digital camera into a networked camera. The Mobi SDHC card intelligently enables your camera to transfer photos automatically to your PC, Mac or wireless Tablet …

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Enhanced Home Security and Safety with Wireless Video Monitoring by Swann

Having a home security system has become a key tool in order to protect our home and family. However unfortunately security systems are limited in what they can provide.  A colleague of mine advised me to combine the robustness of your alarm system with security camera recordings. High-resolution video and audio recordings let you capture …

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A 360 degree shift in Digital Photography one Bubl at a Time

The digital camera has become the staple of electronic devices.  It is found in stand alone devices or embedded within other technology such as cell phones, baby monitors and watches.   Once in a while you will see a technology that will totally disrupt or revolutionize the norm.   The engineers at Toronto based Bubl Technology have …

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Sony brings in a different POV with the Action Cam Mini

At the Sony show in Canada, last year I was lucky enough to check out the Sony Action Camera. This camera is an excellent device, however I found it to be a little bit too large and bulky to mount on your helmet. Most likely Sony heard this feedback from others also, as it has …

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Withings Home Monitor Technology to ensure your Aged Parents are safe

When we were young, our parents used a baby monitor to ensure we were safe when we were sleeping. Today technology has evolved to help us keep an eye on our aged parents. The Withings Home is a high definition camera with several intelligent sensors to help you ensure your parents are safe, while ensuring …

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Huawei takes the cell wars to the next level

Looking for the latest in cell phone techno bling ?  Well listen up. At the IFA in Germany, Huawei announced its intent to dazzle its customers. The Chinese mobile giant announced the release of the affordable Ascend G7 for the regular folks (like you and me) and for the upper salary bracket the release of …

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Film and Slide Scanning Plus with the Plustek OpticFilm 8200i Ai

Sometimes technology companies are in a rush to bring a product to market, that they seem to miss the real goal. There are many companies online that manufacture and sell Slide and negative scanners. However, I can verify that most of these scanners do not provide you with high quality results. My father is a …

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