If you drive around any university or college town this time of year in Canada, you will see endless lines of vans and cars moving students to their home away from home . Whether it be in a dorm, apartment or house, one of the most important tools of a student’s life for the next 9 …
Category: Educational
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2016/08/30/wi-fi-essentials-for-students-with-the-linksys-re7000-max-stream-ac1900/
Aug 29 2016
High Tech Back to School Supplies with the ABC Backpack
Just as going back to school for students is all about working on your ABC’s. For Gadgets and Gizmos, back to the basics is also about ABC’s. The ABC Backpack or the Anti-Theft Battery Calendar Backpack is an #IoT enabled smart backpack designed for, traveling, work and school. Made out of waterproof ballistic nylon that will help any …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2016/08/29/high-tech-back-to-school-supplies-with-the-abc-backpack/
Jun 22 2016
Summer heats up with the #IoT enabled Klifit Smart backpack
Fashion and functionality integrate with technological wizardry with the Klifit smart backpack. Made out of 1680D Ballistic HD Nylon, extremely strong material, this backpack will protect your books and gadgets alike. Klifit is water repellent, cut and abrasion resistant and has 3D reflective taping to ensure the wearer is visible during night use. The basic …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2016/06/22/summer-heats-up-with-the-iot-enabled-klifit-smart-backpack/
May 23 2016
Cost effective printing with the Anvil 3D printer
Over the last few years the growth and excitement over 3D printing has been incredible. However from a consumer standpoint although the enthusiasm has been great, actual adaptation has been tempered. This can be directly attributed to two factors, price and ease of use. The cost of 3D printers unlike its one dimensional cousin is …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2016/05/23/cost-effective-printing-with-the-anvil-3d-printer/
May 03 2016
The House of Marley Rebel BT Headphones transforms your High-Tech Mother
Finding the perfect gift for mom can be quite challenging. When you were small a simple hand painted picture was good enough. However now that you are older it is a little bit harder to find the gift that expresses what you feel for your mother. If your mom is like mine, the type of …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2016/05/03/the-house-of-marley-rebel-bt-headphones-transforms-your-high-tech-mother/
Mar 30 2016
The Magic of Bluetooth Keeps the Rain Drops away with the HAZ Umbrella
IoT technology is infiltrating throughout homes and is beginning to transform main stream devices. The latest in the assimilation is the traditionally boring Umbrella. With showers on the horizon in April and May, determining when you are going to need your umbrella will become a necessity. The history of the umbrella is quite exotic. The …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2016/03/30/the-magic-of-bluetooth-keeps-the-rain-drops-away-with-the-haz-umbrella/
Mar 16 2016
Digitally connected Golf products that will put a Zepp into your Swing
Let Smart Sports Tech take your Golf game to the next level. With Spring pushing away old man winter, some of the courses around here are opening up early for spring golfing. Golf Season is upon us. This year in addition to hitting the driving range and taking some private lessons, I am looking for …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2016/03/16/digitally-connected-golf-products-that-will-put-a-zepp-into-your-swing/
Mar 08 2016
The NextGen IoT Tech that is AWAIR of Every Breath You Take @Bitfinder
Knowing what is in the air you are breathing allows you to be “Awair“ and improve your air quality. Pollution is not just an outdoor occurrence. Inside your house and office unhealthy air can occur from mold, formaldehyde, dust and Carbon Dioxide. For those with asthma, you can create the best possible environment by monitoring …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2016/03/08/nextgen-iot-tech-awair-of-every-breath-you-take-bitfinder/