Gizmo users, last year we took a nice trip to France and experienced some of the European culture. Unfortunately one of the things we did experience was pickpockets in Paris. The scientists at Phillips must have had similar experiences because they have come up with the InRange transmitter and app that will keep an eye …
Category: Cell Phone
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Apr 14 2013
Garden your Gizmos with the Energy-Saving USB Charging Station
Gizmo readers, its the weekend and in addition to going green with your garden work we suggest taking a look at your crop of techno devices at home. Looking at my local (Apple) store I happened to see the Belkin Energy-Saving USB Charging Station that charges maximum four devices at once and shuts them off …
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Apr 11 2013
Nectar Power … One of the signs that Spring is here?
Looking for travel friendly power device that is approved for use on domestic and international flights? After taking a five hour flight across the country, I ran into Mouli Ramani from Lilliputian Systems, Inc. He spent a few minutes talking to me about nectar™ the world’s first portable power system. Nectar is revolutionary small device, …
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Apr 10 2013
Clark Griswold transformed to “tech-noir” with the On Charge Portable Multi Charger
Gizmo readers my family is getting ready to go on a mini vacation. My carry on bag is cluttered with various electronic equipment and chargers and adapters for my cell phone, lap top, GPS,tablet, MP3/4 players, ereaders. Well ON Power Solutions has a simple and relatively inexpensive device to address your energy requirements. The ON …
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Apr 06 2013
Hammer Time with the old school iPhone Desktop Handset
Go old school with your iPhone with the Hammacher Schlemmer iPhone Desktop Handset With the tremendous improvement in wireless service and the quality of the transmissions, gone are the days where every home has a land line. More and more people are using their mobile devices seamlessly both on the road and at home. Hammacher …
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Apr 04 2013
An Elite Wireless Sound Package that will set your music free
There is a saying that if you love something you should set it free. The iHome iW3 Air-Play wireless audio system has taken this saying to heart. No longer do you need to tie down your music to one room in your house. Wirelessly stream your iPod, iPad, iPhone, computer or mobile device music from …
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Apr 03 2013
Get the party started with the GI ipico Handheld projector
Here is a small but essential device that should be part of your entertainment kit. The ipico handheld personal projector is a unique, affordable and highly portable projector created by General Imaging that is light weight (3.6 ounces) and will not take a lot of real estate in your electronic kit. To use, simply snap …
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Apr 03 2013
Smart phone laser presenter & remote mouse control
The Chois X-pointer laser will have your presentation pointing in the right direction. Here is a relative inexpensive elegant device that will make your intelligent mobile device even smarter by turning it into a full function presenter and remote mouse control. Created by Chois Technology Co, a Korean tech company, it is the first phone …
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