Category: Galaxy

The Zungle Panther unleashes the Bone Conduction Sunglasses Speakers

  With the heat of summer upon us, looking for the latest gadget to cool things down. I stumbled on this great new Kickstarter campaign that integrates technology vision and sound. The Zungle Panther are a great pair of sunglasses with built in bone conduction speakers. Available in 5 sensational colors, these sunglasses are made …

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Meet the High Tech #Smart Cat and Dog Pet GPS Tracking System by Tractive

Recently in my community the city has increased the cost to return lost pets.  This is as a result of the yearly cost to find and return pets to their owners. Unfortunately the numbers for pet owners are not good. The American Humane Association estimates over 10 million dogs and cats are lost or stolen …

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The Magic of Bluetooth Keeps the Rain Drops away with the HAZ Umbrella

IoT technology is infiltrating throughout homes and is beginning to transform main stream devices. The latest in the assimilation is the traditionally boring Umbrella. With showers on the horizon in April and May, determining when you are going to need your umbrella will become a necessity. The history of the umbrella is quite exotic. The …

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This year the Easter Bunny delivers the ICEORB Floating Levitating Egg Speaker

Nothing says Easter Gadget like a mysteriously Floating Levitating Egg Shaped Speaker. This year why not forgo the traditional chocolate and give instead something different. This cool speaker will sit on your desk and mesmerize your friends with its magically hovering nature. Watch as the Orb floats 10mm above the base. The ICEORB comes with …

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Portable Personal Mobile #IoT Transportation with the Blink Electric Skateboard

Mobile, portable, electric devices are the transportation of the future. Electric rides such as hoverboards, skates and skateboards are the personal transport craze. If you are looking for the perfect alternative to spice up your daily transportation then look no further. The Blink Electric Skateboard. can hit speeds of up to 15 Mph (~ 24 …

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Digitally connected Golf products that will put a Zepp into your Swing

Let Smart Sports Tech take your Golf game to the next level.  With Spring pushing away old man winter, some of the courses around here are opening up early for spring golfing.  Golf Season is upon us. This year in addition to hitting the driving range and taking some private lessons, I am looking for …

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The Myth behind delays in Crowdfunding projects – Mi World PCS

We have heard stories about crowd-funding projects that get delayed or in some cases, do not deliver on their pledged goals. In such cases, updates are invisible to anyone other than the backers; in other cases, the developer has disappeared from the public eye.  It is rare to see a developer turn blunders into stepping …

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The NextGen IoT Tech that is AWAIR of Every Breath You Take @Bitfinder

Knowing what is in the air you are breathing allows you to be “Awair“ and improve your air quality. Pollution is not just an outdoor occurrence. Inside your house and office unhealthy air can occur from mold, formaldehyde, dust and Carbon Dioxide. For those with asthma, you can create the best possible environment by monitoring …

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