Category: iPad

Taking Summer Camp into the Internet Age with the STM iPad or 10″ tablet shoulder bag

Summer camp has changed since I was a kid. No longer do you just have to pack your lunch, bug spray and swim suit. Some camps (even those deep in the woods) are now offering WiFi access so that the campers can both communicate with their parents at home and also interact with their friends …

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Two Paws Up for the @FitBark

My sister has a dog. Unfortunately he has run into some challenges health wise over the last year. One of the questions the vet has been asking her is “how active is your dog“. Although a very simple question, it is very difficult to answer given that during the day most of us are at …

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Eco Radical Camping Gadgets with the Eton Rukus Solar Wireless Sound System

Some of my camping excursions are to relax and enjoy the feeling of interfacing with nature. The other aspects of camping I enjoy are scouting out for gadgets campers use while in the wild. Here is a cool eco-friendly speaker I noticed on one such camping weekend. Made by our friends at Eton Rukus, the …

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To Catch and Lock8 a Bike Thief

I was watching ABC’s What would you do ( WWYD) ? this past weekend. One scenarios incorporated people’s reactions and actions (or in many cases non-actions) to seeing a bike being stolen in broad daylight. This got me thinking and asking out loud, why haven’t we invented a better technology solution to the traditional bike …

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Get on the Pitch in Brazil with the iPad Classic Match Foosball

There are approximately three weeks until the World Cup.  Unfortunately for many of us we will not be named to our national squad for the tournament and will not be able to play in Brazil.  However as consolation, here’s wonderful gizmo that will get you and your gadgets closer to the pitch. The Classic Match …

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Burnt Steak rescued Gizmo Style by the iGrill2

With the great weather we are having, it is time to bring out the BBQ out of storage and start to get ready for the season of shrimp and steaks. Last week at the hardware store, while looking for new BBQ gadgets I happened to strike up a conversation with a fellow BBQ cook.  While …

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Fishing Gadgets with the FishHunter Compact Sonar

Well fishing season has begun. If your looking for that latest tool that will help you with catching that fish then look no further. The FishHunter Compact sonar is the worlds first compact floating sonar. The sonar transmitter is only 3.0 inches in width and fit inside a floating protective case. The bright skin is …

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A Stylish Stylus by Lynktec to Accentuate your Tablet

Gizmo Readers, as you are aware Tablets are no longer simply a nice gaming accessory. Their usage transcends into traditional PC or desktop markets. Should he be alive today the artist, scientist and genius Michelangelo would have used a Tablet not only for his scientific designs but also for his drawing and paintings. An example …

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