Category: iPhone

Leading Consumer Home Security with the @netatmo Presence #CES2016

From the company that revolutionized face recognition in home security cameras comes the outdoor home security camera that will let you know what people, animals, and vehicles are visiting your house. Unveiled at #CES2016 , the Netatmo Presence is the newest in #IoT smart home security cameras with a unique twist. Weatherproof, IR night vision …

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Staying Awake on the Road with Vigo @wearvigo #Bluetooth #CES2016

It is amazing the diversity of products at #CES2016. As a person who drives a fair distance to work, I am well aware of the challenges of falling asleep or loosing my focus due to being tired. Every year, drowsiness causes 100,000 accidents on the road, leading to $12.5 billion lost in damages. Hoping to …

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Taking #Wearables into your closet at #CES2016 with the @Hexoskin Smart Shirt

New Gizmo Readers, we are here at #CES2016 searching for the latest in Gadgets that will help you to stay true to your New Years resolution of loosing those extra pounds.  Having seen the success of the Apple watch and Fitbit trackers we have all heard about #Wearable devices. Looking to take Fitness gadgets to …

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PhotoFast unwraps the MAX Hello Kitty i-FlashDrive for the Mobile Teen in your House

Teens love Tech and their Gadgets. One of the most obvious statements is that the teen demographic is one of the biggest consumers of technology. According to the Pew Research Center, 92% of teens report going online daily — including 24% who say they go online “almost constantly. Nearly three-quarters of teens have or have …

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Digitally Capturing HD Life 200 feet below @SeaLifeCameras #UnderwaterPhotography

Given the integration of the smart device with camera technology, there have been a lot of interesting takes on redesigning the camera to distinguish itself from its multi-purpose technology cousin. Our friends at SeaLife have released its newest line of Underwater capturing technology that will take you places your smart phone is scared to consider …

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Keyless Trackable #IoT security with the Dog & Bone Bluetooth Padlock

The expansion of #IoT technology has resulted in the ability improve our personal security. However the questions asked by many are, is this all hype? How good are the latest in personal security tech? High tech security isn’t just something we experience when we go to the airport anymore. Advances are now being felt in …

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Keeping an #IoT eye on Junior with the Withings Baby Monitor

From the young extended to seniors, the every increasing footprint of technology within our lives is tremendous.  Some may view this trend as somewhat Orwellian, but others such as myself see the positive changes as a result Our friends at Withings have released the new Withings Home Baby Monitor to help you ensure your baby …

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Ride the Next Gen #IoT Eco-Friend Personal Transportation by @realhoverboard

Looking for the hottest gift for Christmas? Well look no further Gizmo readers. The Hoverboard is a modern day motorized, eco-friendly, electric personal transportation device. This one wheeled device can take the user up to 20+ Miles at a whopping speed of 20MPH (depending on the model you purchase). In addition to running on one …

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