Category: iPod

High Quality Studio Recording in the palm of your hand.

Ixy 03

One of the hidden gems from this year’s Consumer Electronic was the RØDE iXY stereo microphone for iPhone and iPad. Deceivingly small (the approximate size of a USB key), this cutting dynamic device is designed to provide a simple but flexible environment for recording audio for voice and instrument. Whether it’s narration or a simple …

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Jack Harper will not cruise into “Oblivion” with the Zeppelin Air

Zepplin air2

For many of us in North America the science fiction thriller movie “Oblivion” will open on Friday. Tom Cruise’ stars as the principle character Jack Harper in a futuristic story about earth. Among the various cool technology travel gadgets Harper has a collapsible motorcycle that he carries on his Bubble Ship. Bowers & Wilkins have …

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You set the mood with Hue Wireless Lighting

Hue world

    And now an idea to help you create that perfect light setting for your summer party. Created by our friends at Philips, the Hue lighting system use a bridge plugged into your router to allow you to personalize lighting settings and timers. Whether setting personal colours and themes from photo images to simply …

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Garden your Gizmos with the Energy-Saving USB Charging Station

Belkin conserve2

Gizmo readers, its the weekend and in addition to going green with your garden work we suggest taking a look at your crop of techno devices at home. Looking at my local (Apple) store I happened to see the Belkin Energy-Saving USB Charging Station that charges maximum four devices at once and shuts them off …

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Nectar Power … One of the signs that Spring is here?


Looking for travel friendly power device that is approved for use on domestic and international flights? After taking a five hour flight across the country, I ran into Mouli Ramani from Lilliputian Systems, Inc. He spent a few minutes talking to me about nectar™ the world’s first portable power system. Nectar is revolutionary small device, …

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Spock Trade in your transmitter for this Next Generation Communication device

Beat band 01

You would expect a company called Amps&Watts to know a thing or two about sound. This company has come forward with what can only be described as a sensational product called the “BeatBand”. This next generation listening device can be used both in a wired and wireless mode. Wirelessly it works through blue tooth at …

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PhotoFast flash for your iPad, iPad mini and other Apple devices

Photofast i flashdrive

An even simpler flash drive for your Apple iPad/ iPod / iPhone. Just a few days ago, you will remember I talked about the Hammacher Schlemmer USB flash drive. One of our readers (Jack from Flint) sent me email regarding a An even simpler flash drive they use on their iPad. Specifically designed for the …

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An Elite Wireless Sound Package that will set your music free

Audio iw3

There is a saying that if you love something you should set it free. The iHome iW3 Air-Play wireless audio system has taken this saying to heart. No longer do you need to tie down your music to one room in your house. Wirelessly stream your iPod, iPad, iPhone, computer or mobile device music from …

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