Gadgeteeers, mother’s day is fast approaching and I still have not purchased my mother’s day gift. Looking online I have been leaning towards a gift that my mom can use with her phone. One thing my mom loves to do is to use her cell phone to take photos and videos. However because of her …
Category: Mobile
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May 07 2013
Gizmo Gadgets for your Techie Baby
One of my relatives is expecting their first baby. Together with his wife they went to the Baby show to look at the latest in clothing, furniture and electronics for babies. One of the devices they were looking for was a baby monitor. It is amazing to see how evolved baby monitoring electronics has progressed. …
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May 06 2013
Environmentally Trendy Fashion Technology
Gizmo readers, many of you are looking for that unique gift for your teenagers. Rarely do I give suggestions for buying my daughter anything, however here is a gift possibility Created by Omnisonik, a device that combines on fashion and technology. Trendy fashionista Bluetooth jewelery. Powered by human heat, these earrings are lightweight and have …
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May 03 2013
Make Smart decisions with Breathometer
One of my nephew’s is graduating this year and we had the customary uncle nephew talk. No not that talk. We talked about how he should be responsible at his graduation with respect to alcohol. However, unfortunately we know that there will be a percentage of those who will drink and some will make the …
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May 02 2013
Thermodo will tell you just how hot this Gadget is
And just when you thought you have heard everything you can do with your smart phone, someone else comes up with a new cool idea. Created by a Danish software studio called Robocat, Thermodo is a tiny electrical thermometer that plugs into your smart phone. Gizmo geeks, unfortunately you will have to wait to purchase …
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May 02 2013
Ritmo could turn your Baby into Einstien by listening to the Bieb
My kids are now grown up. When my wife was pregnant and after the birth we used to play music to stimulate the baby’s brain developmental growth. Of course back then there was no such thing as mp3 players. We used an archaic approach of placing the music directly on the mother’s belly. Research shows …
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May 01 2013
Ensure the safety of your parents with a Sonamba Well being monitor
My mother is an advocate for seniors and has started to senior proof her home. Although both of my parents are independent it has gotten me to start thinking about how I will be able to ensure their safety and security later on in their life. The Sonamba Technology is a well being monitor that …
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Apr 30 2013
Get a Grip on Technology
At the CES I was looking for New Gizmos that would appeal to my wife and mom. They have a different standard when evaluating products than I do. Although they appreciate benefits of technology, both of them would also require the gizmo to be esthetically pleasing. Well I did happen to see this really cool …
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