Category: Environment

BBQing with the world ’ s first fuel-free solar powered grill by GoSun

After the thaw of Winter upon, pops up the latest in Spring Gadgets. Here at New Gizmo Blog we love Gadgets with a conscience. We believe in addition to improving the efficiency of our lives that every gadget can find ways to be a little greener. This spring there is no better way to reduce …

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The NextGen IoT Tech that is AWAIR of Every Breath You Take @Bitfinder

Knowing what is in the air you are breathing allows you to be “Awair“ and improve your air quality. Pollution is not just an outdoor occurrence. Inside your house and office unhealthy air can occur from mold, formaldehyde, dust and Carbon Dioxide. For those with asthma, you can create the best possible environment by monitoring …

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Digitally Capturing HD Life 200 feet below @SeaLifeCameras #UnderwaterPhotography

Given the integration of the smart device with camera technology, there have been a lot of interesting takes on redesigning the camera to distinguish itself from its multi-purpose technology cousin. Our friends at SeaLife have released its newest line of Underwater capturing technology that will take you places your smart phone is scared to consider …

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Saving the Planet One Cartridge at a time with the Epson Expression ET 2550

With consumers becoming more environmentally aware, one of the trends in Consumer Electronics Technology has seen some of the biggest names embrace more eco-friendly designs for their products. Epson, one of the innovators in high performance products, has released the Epson Expression ET 2550 . At only 19.3″ x 20.7″ 11.6″ (W x D x …

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Rise up and Acquire Audio Excellence with @TheHouseofMarley

The absolute must have for any smartphone, tablet, music player, game station or television is a great selection of headphones. However, when it comes to music accessories, there are an endless selection. So it is very important to take into consideration 4 factors when selecting your headphones Look, Feel, Sound and Impact Our friends at …

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Dad will love the FishHunter Sonar portable fish finder

FishHunter portable fish finder is the ultimate Gadget for your Dad. If you are like me and looking for a a great gift idea this father’s day then perhaps I have found a solution for both of us. Whether amateur or professional, the FishHunter Sonar portable fish finder combines Dad’s two favorite things fishing and …

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Mother’s Day Tech: Podcycle- Save Mother Home and Mother Earth

The Ultimate Mother’s day Gadget gift to help your mother and mother earth. Today’s high tech cool little portable coffee machines are a great way to get a coffee, hot chocolate or tea quickly. Great for the office, even more convenient for your home. Unfortunately the K-Cup® or Keurig® cups remain with us long after …

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Green Gadgets for Gardens with the Blossom High Tech Watering System

Gadgets are not only cool, they are great for the environment and can also save us money. Take for example the High Tech Watering system from Blossom. This device allows you to connect your outside taps to your phone and internet and save money. With the ever increasing cost of water and decreasing availability, Blossom …

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