Category: Environment

Cool Charges with the PowerPot V off-grid Power Charger

NewGizmo Nick is preparing to go camping this weekend. However he will be bringing along a few gadgets so that he can stay in touch with the office. One of the latest gadgets in his backpack of goodies is the PowerPot V. This device looks like an ordinary cooking pot. Well to clarify things it …

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Rock Steady Photos and Videos with the BlackWing Camera platform

Nominated (not by choice) to be the official photographer and videographer of special occasions I have faced the wrath of family members who complain that my images are blurry, out of focus and some times not centered. Of course still shots would only be small challenges as compared to the jittery video while taking sports …

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Birds of a Feather Take Selfies at the Bird Photo Booth bird feeder

Since spring is in full force in the backyard the birds have come back and have enjoyed the seed buffet out on my feeders.  Unfortunately, my camera is not good enough to capture great pictures of the different varieties of bird species. Researching online I have come up with a fantastic Bird Photo Booth created …

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Eau Good Water Filtration by Black+Blum

Just last night I was remarking that the tap water in our city had a strange odor and taste. Well our friends at Black+Blum must have been listening in on my conversation because they have come out with bottle that “makes tap water taste great“. Utilizing Binchotan (Japanese white) charcoal, it reduces the amount of …

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Camping Gizmo Extraordinary Gadgets with the PowerPot V Thermoelectric generator

Readers, I have been told Gizmo Blogger Nick that this frigid temperature is ideal for camping. One of Nick’s newest camping gadgets is the PowerPot V. This ordinary looking camping pot is in fact a thermoelectric generator that converts heat into DC electrical power. So while you are heating up your water or rice, the …

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Wireless Weather Forecasting by La Crosse Technology

Over the past few days we have had some really wild weather. A line of severe storms that included tornadoes and thunderstorms, hit the U.S. Midwest and the eastern regions of Canada. La Crosse Technology has developed a LCD forecasting station that will help you to keep a check on the latest weather forecast for …

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Eliminate Energy Consuming Gadgets with @MeterPlug

Gizmo readers, here is a great device that will help you to reduce the amount of electricity consumed by your gadgets. MeterPlug is a device that plugs in between your appliance and AC outlet. You can (via Bluetooth), monitor the electricity consumption and shut off devices that are costing you too much money. Able to …

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High Tech Eco-Friendly New Gizmo Eye-Wear with a conscience from Giving Tree Eyewear

Gizmo Readers, here is a really cool Eco Friendly Eye-wear that will literally float like a boat. From our friends at Giving Tree Eyewear, here are glasses created from a ultra performing high tech homopolyamide nylon, formulated as synthetic titanium. These glasses are designed for people on the go, whether hiking, canoeing or playing sports. …

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