Category: Holiday

Tech that will give your Mother a Charge #MothersDay

With only week to go until Mother’s Day 2021. Consider this tech gift that will give your mom an instant boost. The Power Up 600 by SCOSCHE is the Swiss Army knife of essential automotive gear. It is a portable Flashlight, a Jump Starter and Power Bank all combined into a single compact device.  It …

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Why Photographer’s dream in a Flash

As a photographer, we all know that storage is critical for your digital collection of photos. There are a variety of options for storing a lot of digital data. Some of these  include cloud storage, Although cloud storage has helped transform the way we get digital data from one place to another. Outside the cost, …

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Technology and Art are looking to Transform your Child’s mental health #myfirstofficial

The COVID-19 pandemic emotionally has been difficult on us all. One area that has been dramatically impacted due to the stress, isolation and uncertainty are children. Research published by The Hospital for Sick Children on child and youth mental health in the pandemic has confirmed that “children were faring mostly worse, and occasionally better, compared …

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A One finger approach to a secure Telework #Kensington

While in the office, you benefit from the corporate security measures in place to protect systems, devices and information from cyber threats. Working remotely provides flexibility and convenience. However, as we have found in the last year, remote work can bring its challenges. If you work at home with your children and your pets, you …

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Will a Smart Safe Secure your Valuables?

How secure are your valuables at home? Break-ins are the most worrisome property crime concern across America.  According to the State of Safety survey completed last year. 62% of respondents have a high concern about a break-in when no one is at home. This feeling may be well justified as in the US, a property …

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Can your Smart Phone withstand major and minor impacts ?

There are many innumerable benefits of a smart phone including higher efficiency and productivity in our personal and professional lives. However, how often we purchase a new cell phone typically is related to the frequency we use this device.  In the US, the average lifespan (replacement cycle length) of smartphones has increased from 2.58 years …

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Music to Motivate your Workout #SoulNation

The effects of music on exercise is more than artistic. Music can be an essential element to enhance our workout. Music influences you to run faster, bike longer and swim farther without even without you realizing. Research conducted as far back as 1935 (Robert Sewak, PD, Striking the Right Chord With the Music You Choose) …

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Listen to your Heart #Scosche

February is Heart Month. Heart disease continues to be the greatest health threat and is still the leading cause of death worldwide. In 2019 nearly 18.6 million people across the globe died of cardiovascular disease and 523.2 million cases of cardiovascular disease were reported. We all know the formula to combat heart disease. Be physically …

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