Category: Home & Garden

Safety and intelligence come together with the Nest Protect Smoke + Carbon Monoxide Alarm

A few months ago I was shocked into the horrible reality that my carbon monoxide detector was dying. It was a slow excruciating process that began with an unexpected incessant high-pitched beeping and didn’t cease until a week and a half later. Every time I opened my garage, which became the place where annoying safety …

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Clark Griswold would be envious of App Enabled Christmas Lights by @Lumenplay

With Christmas upon us, old classic movies such as Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase appear frequently on our televisions. Watching Clark Griswold spend hours setting up the magical light display reminds me of this years Gadget Christmas decoration of the season. the Lumenplay Classic Christmas lights are a combination smart phone and intelligent adjustable LED …

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Arist creates the Perfect Cup of Full, Rounded, Heavenly Java

There are certain pleasures in life that stand the test of time. One of these is the pursuit and enjoyment of the perfect cup of coffee. However, what differs across taste boundaries is what defines the perfect cup of coffee for each of us. My South American friends love a very strong coffee, while my …

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This Hi-Tec Canary has a 100+ dB song for Home Intruders

The safety of our family and home are very important, especially when we leave for work, vacation or go away on a business trip. There are several components that make a good home security system including a good home detection, alarm and video monitoring systems. Here is a cost effective video monitoring system brought to …

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Strike fear into Jack Frost with the Husqvarna ST324 Snowthrower

As the weather is getting colder it is bringing back nightmares of the snow we had last winter. The snow was so deep my single-stage snowthrower had trouble getting out. In order to prepare this winter a dual stage snowthrower was definitely a must. The new Husqvarna 300 series snowthrowers are designed for all snow …

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Heat up the Savings with the EcoBee3 Smarter Wi-Fi Thermostat with remote sensors

Last weekend with it being cold enough to turn on the furnace, fall was officially welcomed into my house. Unfortunately, having a “traditional thermostat” I still run into the same problem throughout the year. Some rooms are warmer and others colder than others because my furnace adjusts the heat throughout the house based on feedback …

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Protect your Loved Ones with a Weiser Lock for your Home

By the look of the moving vans on the road this past weekend, moving season is in full gear.  One of the first items on the agenda for renters, landlords or home purchasers is changing the front lock. Unfortunately it is one of those unnecessary but time consuming and costly chores that need to be …

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Burnt Steak rescued Gizmo Style by the iGrill2

With the great weather we are having, it is time to bring out the BBQ out of storage and start to get ready for the season of shrimp and steaks. Last week at the hardware store, while looking for new BBQ gadgets I happened to strike up a conversation with a fellow BBQ cook.  While …

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