Category: Home & Garden

Gizmo Security with the WiFi smoke detector

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Here is a great gizmo that addresses your personal security in many ways. The WiFi enabled smoke detector has an inbuilt security camera. The integrated IP over WiFi protocols makes it easy to remotely connect to and view over the web. The detector also has an included DVR to provide you with up to 64 …

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Ketchup with a little 802.11b WiFi on my Hamburger

Cyberq wifi

Gadgeteers, BBQ season is around the corner. The only thing that would top a great BBQ would be being able to control your BBQ on your smart phone. Well we are glad to say that we have found your solution. CyberQ WI-Fi is a gadget that regulates the temperature of charcoal grills with incredible accuracy. …

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Your Garden Goes Green with the Solaris Enviro Green Mower

71c+8kbzjdl. sl1500

My kids are always asking me to go green with our purchases.  I have been looking into replacing my old lawn mower and have been looking at various options. Solaris has created a zero-emission cordless mower that requires absolutely no gas, oil, or cords. Powered by the high performance electric batteries, this mower has a …

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Cleaning New Gizmo style with the iRobot Gutter Cleaning Robot

Irobot gutter1

It is official. Spring is here and it is time to start cleaning up New Gizmo Blog style. On the top of our house and list is the iRobot Gutter Cleaning Robot. Simply insert the remote-controlled robot into your gutters and power on. The robot will use its powerful 500 rpm auger to remove the …

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ViROBI the Robot Gadgetizes Mr Belvedere

41vzle5zmel. sl500

Having two teenagers and pets in my house sometimes I wished I could afford a maid to help keep the house tidy. Well our friends at Vileda have come up with a solution. The Virobi sweeping robot collects dust through an electrostatic cleaning pad on the bottom of the robot. The unit comes with two …

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Meet the Worlds First WiFi Deadbolt Lock

Ls db500i 2

On the weekend we went to a door lock store to purchase some key locks for our house. The owner of the store showed us a demonstration of a cool key lock made to us by our friends at LockState. The LockState LS-DB500i is the worlds first WiFi Deadbolt Lock. Through your internet connection you …

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Gizmo zap those pesky misquitos with an environmentally friendly Solar Powered Insect Lantern

Solar bug lantern

Gizmo readers, with the last remnants of winter melting in the garden we all know that the nasty season of those pesky mosquitoes is just around the corner. This year I plan to upgrade my backyard coverage with the Vktech Solar Powered Insect Lantern. The lantern displays a bug attractive purple luminescence that will vaporize …

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Gizmo your Green Thumb with the Save A Drop Water Usage Monitoring Garden Spray Nozzle

Save a drop

A blog that is applicable for Earth Day .. If your looking to upgrade your garden tools this summer I recommend purchasing the Save A Drop Water Usage Monitoring Garden Hose Spray Nozzle. Not only will it help you to determine exactly how much water you are giving your plants, but the built in meter …

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