Category: Housewares

Mother’s Day Tech: Sleepless in Seattle Streamed Seamlessly with the New Roku 3

Streaming Sleepless in Seattle, the ultimate Mother’s day Gizmo. Talking with many of my friends of the opposite sex, the confirm that women love digital because of the ease of use, increase in quality of the movies and the convenience of being able to watch anything at anytime. Our friends at California based Roku are …

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Mother’s Day Tech: Podcycle- Save Mother Home and Mother Earth

The Ultimate Mother’s day Gadget gift to help your mother and mother earth. Today’s high tech cool little portable coffee machines are a great way to get a coffee, hot chocolate or tea quickly. Great for the office, even more convenient for your home. Unfortunately the K-Cup® or Keurig® cups remain with us long after …

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Morning Coffee with the Bonaverde High Tech Roast-grind-brew Coffee Machine

Monday seems a little less dark and dreary with a great cup of Gizmo coffee. Bonaverde has created the worlds first coffee machine that will prepare and serve you a sensational cup of java. The “Dalia” was developed by the support of the online Kickstarter campaign. It was an attempt to develop a machine that …

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SkyBell Wi-Fi Video Doorbell

Skybell is a wifi enabled digital doorbell that allows you to see, hear and speak to the person at your door no matter where you are. When a visitor press the button on the Skybell, it will send an alert to everyone in your family on their smartphone and everyone can either choose to accept …

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Bluetooth Speaker Shelf

This floating book shelf is a bluetooth speaker! The cordless rechargeable Bluetooth Speaker Shelf gives you convenient storage space, plus great wireless sound — without an AC outlet! The shelf features two built-in 2” speakers that provide up to 24 hours of high-quality stereo sound on a full charge. You can also Sync two or …

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Wi-Fi Enabled Java by Mr Coffee

Nothing tastes better than Wi-Fi Coffee ! Yes its true.  Whether you are in your bed, the shower or even in your car, the Mr Coffee Wifi-Enabled WeMo Brew Coffeemaker by  Belkin will ensure that you can have a great fresh cup of hot java when ever you want. Available in 10 cup size, in a …

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Reach out and Touch your Wi-Fi with Amped Wireless TAP-R2 Touch Screen Wi-Fi Router

Good Technology is Great Technology when it has seamless setup and support. Take for example your home or office Wi-Fi router. It is the heart of your technology lifeline. Ensuring connectivity between intranet and internet is established securely. However for techno-novices Wi-Fi routers can be challenging to setup and troubleshoot. Amped Wireless is aware of …

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Take A Deep Breath and Chill with the Vigilant Leaf Air Quality System

It is sad that things as simple clean air and water are now a rarity. Reading an article recently I was shocked to see that in certain countries air quality is so bad that it is reducing the life expectancy of the population. Our friends at Vigilant are well aware of the need to have …

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