A Embracing the Future: How Robots Are Changing Our Lives In the 1960s TV show “The Jetsons,” Rosie, a model XB-500 robot, played a memorable role as the Jetson family’s loyal robot maid and housekeeper. Rosie’s presence on screen shaped our perception of robotics in the future. Fast-forward to today, and robots have become an …
Category: Housewares
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2024/04/25/lawn-care-meets-formula-1-luba-the-smart-robot-mower-races-through-your-yard/
Apr 12 2024
Breathing Made Easier: LG’s Cutting-Edge Air Purifier Revolutionizing Allergy Season Relief
Seasonal allergies, including those caused by hay and grass, can be quite troublesome. As someone who has endured seasonal allergies for the majority of my life, I understand that they can be incredibly challenging to manage. The condition commonly referred to as “hay fever” is medically recognized as allergic rhinitis, and it’s known to affect many individuals.” In …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2024/04/12/breathing-made-easier-lgs-cutting-edge-air-purifier-revolutionizing-allergy-season-relief/
Mar 28 2024
Chill, Connect, and Control: Opula’s Futuristic Coffee Table
The evolution of #Smart devices is phenomenal. It is estimated that by 2024, there will be more than 400 million smart homes worldwide. This translates in the US to 53.9% of US homes that will be automated and at least 69% of households have at least one smart home gadget. Smart devices are electronic devices …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2024/03/28/chill-connect-and-control-opulas-futuristic-coffee-table/
Mar 07 2024
Solar Sentinel: Long-Range Security, Unleashed by the Sun
Over the last few years Cottage break-ins have surged in various communities across Canada and the United States. These incidents are often crimes of opportunity, with thieves targeting easy marks. As cottages have evolved from rustic retreats to luxurious getaways, they’ve become prime targets due to their remote locations. Looking to reach areas when owners …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2024/03/07/solar-sentinel-long-range-security-unleashed-by-the-sun/
Feb 22 2024
Unlocking the Future: The Rise of the Smart Door Lock with Abode
Are you safe in your home using traditional locks? The numbers seem to indicate no. In the United States, there are over one million home burglaries annually. In Canada, the number of incidents amounted to 132,897 in 2022. Traditional door locks provide a basic level of security and are widely used. However, they can be …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2024/02/22/__trashed/
Feb 01 2024
Power Up Your Smile with the Laifen Wave Toothbrush
Dental technology has exploded over the last few years with the promise of enhanced oral health. The global electric toothbrush market has seen significant growth in recent years. In 2020, the global electric toothbrush market was valued at $3,070.8 million. By 2031, it is projected to reach a whopping $6,549.1 million, growing at a CAGR …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2024/02/01/power-up-your-smile-with-the-laifen-wave-toothbrush/
Jan 31 2024
Fur-tastic Tech: RCA Unleashes Innovation for Your Furry Friends
RCA is an iconic heritage brand known technology for more than a century. During its esteemd history, it has unveiled ground breaking technology. Among the cornucopia of disruptive tech released by RCA included the World’s first consumer color television (1954), the first monochrome (1968) and color television (1971) cameras that went on the moon. RCA …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2024/01/31/fur-tastic-tech-rca-unleashes-innovation-for-your-furry-friends/
Jan 26 2024
Typhur Sous Vide: The Ultimate Guide to Restaurant-Quality Cooking at Home
Traditional cooking methods are often inefficient, requiring more time and energy to cook food than modern methods. In addition, due to the guesswork behind maintaining a consistent temperature for food. It can also lead to inconsistent results for food. The great news is that there is an option for consumers to traditional cooking ways. A …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2024/01/26/typhur-sous-vide-the-ultimate-guide-to-restaurant-quality-cooking-at-home/