3D printing has become an expressive way of projecting one’s ideas in a non-traditional and non-linear way. It has transformed ordinary people into micro manufacturing enthusiasts at school, at work and at home. Whether it be large cities or small towns, you will now find 3D printers in libraries where children and adults alike create 3D …
Category: Kitchen & Bath
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2017/10/25/stunning-breakfast-breakouts-in-3d-printing/
Aug 02 2017
Bluetooth is the Salt of Smart Kitchen Gadgets
We all know that excess Sodium is something that is unhealthy. However, on average we all consume too much of it daily. The Canadian Community Health Survey indicated people aged 9 to 70, over 85% of men and 60% to 80% of women had sodium intakes exceeding the Tolerable Upper Intake Level. Unfortunately life is …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2017/08/02/bluetooth-is-the-salt-of-smart-kitchen-gadgets/
Jul 05 2017
Audiophile Acoustics that will have you Dancing poolside
Unofficially summer kicked off this week with the July 4th celebrations. Nothing is better than chilling poolside with some hot fresh Tech. Swimming in silence is so old school, so why not open up a can of treb mid and base unveiling the latest tunes with Pool side Speakers by Monster. The Monster SuperStar BackFloat Bluetooth Speaker …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2017/07/05/audiophile-acoustics-that-will-have-you-dancing-poolside/
Jun 21 2017
An Invigorating Energy Boost with Smart Smoothie Tech
Technology has made our lives better in some ways by saving time, money, and making our homes safer or more comfortable. On the flip side The always-connected lifestyle has increased the stress in our lives and made them more complicated. Unfortunately, some of us frequently work through lunches and go hours without even breaking for …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2017/06/21/an-invigorating-energy-boost-with-smart-smoothie-tech/
Mar 31 2017
Water Consumption High Tech style with the #IoT Enabled Hydrao First smart Showerhead
Water consumption by Adolescents are on the rise. I know that many of our readers have teenagers who seem to enjoy their showers. One of our readers in an email indicated that “We have a teen boy in the house who just loves to take showers and stays in the shower stall forever. Sometimes I …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2017/03/31/water-consumption-high-tech-style-with-the-iot-enabled-hydrao-first-smart-showerhead/
Feb 06 2017
Sipping Gourmia IoT enabled iTea in the Kitchen
There is very little Internet of Things will not touch. Created in 1982 in Carnegie Mellon University by a group of computer science grad students who wanted to connect the Coke machine on the third floor to the university’s computer network, IOT has come a long way. According to IDC, IoT spending is forecast to reach …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2017/02/06/sipping-gourmia-iot-enabled-itea-in-the-kitchen/
Nov 09 2016
#IoT enable your Smoke & Carbon Monoxide alarms with the Roost #Smart Battery
#IoT enabled devices have transformed every aspect of our lives. The Roost Smart Battery retrofits, elevates and educates your existing Smoke and Carbon Monoxide alarms. Looking like an ordinary battery, in reality it is a 9V on steroids that packs in a Wi-Fi antenna and a microphone. With a battery life of approximately 5 years, the …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2016/11/09/iot-enable-your-smoke-carbon-monoxide-alarms-with-the-roost-smart-battery/
Jan 12 2016
Fresh Coffee by Bonaverde with a Sprinkle of #IoT @coffeechangers @hcstier
If you want to jazz up your morning cup of coffee, next time forget the milk or sugar. What you need is a spoon full of #IoT. At #CES2016 Bonaverde introduced the worlds first #IoT coffee machine. The Bonaverde Berlin takes consumers through the whole life cycle of brewing the perfect cup of coffee on …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2016/01/12/fresh-coffee-by-bonaverde-with-a-sprinkle-of-iot-coffeechangers-hcstier/