Category: Kitchen & Bath

Intelligent Home Safety and Security with the D-Link Smart Plug

As a person who is preaching the benefits of technology, I was thrilled on the weekend to see D-Link has created a Wi-Fi enabled/accessible Smart Plug. Having a few of these devices are extremely handy. The Smart plug is like having an intelligent network aware remote control. You can remotely control the Plug from your …

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NOW we’re cooking with Bluetooth

  Watching the Master Chef on television I’ve began to realize how easy it is to under cook food.  Looking on line I believe I have found the perfect solution to this quandary.  I wonder if Chef Ramsay would approve of using it? Here is a great device that I purchased for myself and (shh) …

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Sony’s Xperia Tablet enables Chef Ramsey to say Beam Me Up the Risotto Scotty

Renovating your home’s kitchen is a big task. I compare it to when Star fleet has to renovate the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701). A complex task of much time, money and labor. Why do I bring this up. Well A friend of mine is renovating his kitchen. In addition to selecting the right tiles, paint color …

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Burnt Steak rescued Gizmo Style by the iGrill2

With the great weather we are having, it is time to bring out the BBQ out of storage and start to get ready for the season of shrimp and steaks. Last week at the hardware store, while looking for new BBQ gadgets I happened to strike up a conversation with a fellow BBQ cook.  While …

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Techno Tea Making Mastered by Breville

Over the weekend I went out for some gadget shopping for kitchen devices. On the top of my list was to purchase a device I saw at one of my friends house. For all you tea drinkers out there, you know that the art of making tea is more than just a action, in some …

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Philips Saeco goes a finger above the rest with the Digital ID Automatic Espresso Machine

Gizmo readers, I know that some people take their coffee pretty seriously. In fact one of my favorite (Pulitzer Prize winning) syndicated columnist, Dave Barry is quoted as saying It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view …

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Hot Thursday Cleanup with the iShower water-resistant wireless speaker

Here is a cool gizmo that will really clean up. The iShower is a water-resistant speaker that connects to your audio device (Tablet, Smart phone, MP3 player) by Bluetooth. As long as Bluetooth is enabled, simply turn on the iShower and pair it with your device. The On-device controls including Play/Pause/Back/Forward, Volume up/down will allow …

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Admetior helps you become a Master Chef with this tasty gadget

Gordon Ramsey I am not. Hence any gadgets I can get to make my life easier in the kitchen are always appreciated. Hence my latest acquisition is a tasty gadget by Admetior. This Digital Spoon Scale is able to measure in either ounces or grams, this culinary gizmo accurately works for any recipe you obtain …

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