Category: MP3 Players

Spock Trade in your transmitter for this Next Generation Communication device

Beat band 01

You would expect a company called Amps&Watts to know a thing or two about sound. This company has come forward with what can only be described as a sensational product called the “BeatBand”. This next generation listening device can be used both in a wired and wireless mode. Wirelessly it works through blue tooth at …

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Get the party started with the GI ipico Handheld projector

Ipico handheld

Here is a small but essential device that should be part of your entertainment kit. The ipico handheld personal projector is a unique, affordable and highly portable projector created by General Imaging that is light weight (3.6 ounces) and will not take a lot of real estate in your electronic kit. To use, simply snap …

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