Category: MP3 Players

Explosively Immersive Luxurious Tech to Disrupt Wearables

Muse hubrid watch 4

The consumer market for wearables has exploded in an upward trajectory! In today’s ever-changing world of innovative technologies, the one consistent seems to be the disruptive power of wearable technology. A report by IDC shows just how much the global wearables industry will continue to grow. The overall industry is expected to almost double in …

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The Most Iconic Bond inspired Wearable #bovarowatches

Bavarowatches 8

Everyone wants gadgets like James Bond. Whether it be the Safecracker-Copying Machine (Her Majesty’s Secret Service) or his Jetpack  (Thunderball) or the spectacular Car Invisibility Cloak (Die Another Day) we all love these devices created by the innovative Q.  The elegant lifestyle and gadget  packed day, makes this (not so) secret agent’s lifestyle something men and women admire. Italian designer Bovaro …

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Portable, Powerful Audio Empowerment for the iPhone X

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Whether you are part of the iOS or Android army, you will agree that some of the decisions taken by Apple on the iPhone X bring challenges to consumers. Since the release of the iPhone 7 mobile Apple users saw the disappearance of the headphone jack, to be replace with Apple provided AirPods. Unfortunately, the iPhoneX didn’t …

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Elegant High Tech Wearable Fashion immersed with Bluetooth

Wizpak 3

Finding Elegant Electronic Gadgets is as easy as saying WizPak™. One of misnomers of technology is that it is just functional and boring. Anyone who things tech types don’t know anything about fashion should talk with our friends at WizPak™. Nothing spells Gadget gorgeous more than WizPak™ Riri. A mix of High Tech sound meets …

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This year the Easter Bunny delivers the ICEORB Floating Levitating Egg Speaker

Iceorb 3

Nothing says Easter Gadget like a mysteriously Floating Levitating Egg Shaped Speaker. This year why not forgo the traditional chocolate and give instead something different. This cool speaker will sit on your desk and mesmerize your friends with its magically hovering nature. Watch as the Orb floats 10mm above the base. The ICEORB comes with …

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The Parrot Zik 3 wants a Wireless Revolution

Zik touch controls

Wireless sound has surely come a long way. The evolution of wireless headphones has been dramatic in recent years. In past the freedom offered by Bluetooth headphones has been offset by the horrible sound quality. The Parrot Zik 3 provides consumers with a luxuriously elegant design, seamless connectivity, comfort and smooth, rich, well-balanced sound in …

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Chilling to the tunes with @kubesound #Bluetooth Beer Speaker #CES2016

Kube 4

If you are looking to increase the level of your SuperBowl party this year, then perhaps we’ve the ultimate solution for you. The KUBE portable audio system is an ultra sleek, professional sounding Gadget that will crank the heat up on your tunes, while chilling the beer. With concert-quality of up to 125 decibels of …

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Accell supports Great Travel Tech with Greater Power Gadgetry

Home or away dual usb charging kit 3

Whether it be a smart phone or table, portable music player, speaker, camera or GPS. bringing our technology brings many benefits. Unfortunately with great technology comes great power requirements which can be very challenging on international trips. Our friends at Accell are aware and are up to the challenge and have an amazing great Gizmo …

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