Category: Office

Are Millennials the biggest Tech losers?

Are Millennials the biggest Tech losers? According to a  survey conducted by IDG Research this could be the case.  Millennials are twice as likely to misplace their smart phones, key’s and other devices in comparison to the Baby Boomer generation. These misplaced or stolen devices can lead to greater loss including identity theft, loss of …

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Powering up your Smart Phone out of Life Support

If your Android or iPhone’s battery life is struggling, then you are not alone. Battery life has become the evil villain for every smart phone user. Smart phone usage has increased dramatically over the past few years. With the smart phone population fast approaching 5 billion at the end of this year and 66% of …

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Empower your Tech with IoT enabled Smart Backpacks

We’ve all heard about Smart Cities, Smart Homes, Smart Kitchens and IoT enabled connected technology. However this year perhaps the item you should consider to Smartify is the one that carries you daily to and from work and school. Why not upgrade your legacy backpack with the latest IoT enabled Visvo Smart Backpack. Available in three …

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Portable, Powerful Audio Empowerment for the iPhone X

Whether you are part of the iOS or Android army, you will agree that some of the decisions taken by Apple on the iPhone X bring challenges to consumers. Since the release of the iPhone 7 mobile Apple users saw the disappearance of the headphone jack, to be replace with Apple provided AirPods. Unfortunately, the iPhoneX didn’t …

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IoT Plug-and-play vehicle Wi-Fi launched by ZTE Canada

A car survival kit is one of those items you don’t plan for until you need it. Most emergencies may range from a flat tire to running out of gas. However with autumn half way through, if you have yet to build your winter survival kit, then now is the time. Most of think of …

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Mac Duality with Enviro-friendly Display Technology

Anyone who has migrated from a single to a dual display monitor configuration has seen the power and intrinsic advantages of having a second monitor. Two monitors enable you to simply run multiple applications and extend your workspace optimally. Instead of pressing Alt+Tab to switch between screens, you can view, edit and interact seamlessly between multiple …

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The Mr Belvedere of Aqua Robotic Technology

Sharknado is an extremely popular cult classic in which humongous flying sharks team up with nature’s Biggest, Nastious hurricanes to cause chaos for all humans on the sea, land and air. Although not as bad, having recently being asked to fish sit for a few weeks, I can attest that fish can get a little agitated should you forget to …

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Smart Home Nights with Cool Tech Days @iHome

The first week of back to school always provides challenges in getting back into the routine.  The biggest of the demands is getting up in time to make it to class.  A study published this year in the Journal of Scientific Reports linked irregular sleep patterns with poor academic performance.    Within the report according to Charles …

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