Category: Office

A Transparent Solution for the problem of Eye Contact in Video Conferencing

Has video conferencing reduced the impact of Eye Contact? Over the last few years, video conferencing has exploded as a result of the pandemic. Whether it professional or personal, the use of video platforms has increased in popularity. Unfortunately progress in this communication technology has provided people with challenges. One of the difficulties of video …

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Teleport into the Future of NAS with Ugreen

If someone asked me a few years ago, do you need a NAS for your home ? I would have paused in my answer. However, my response today without a doubt would be that a NAS is an essential tool for home computing. Network-attached storage, or NAS, is a  connected device that allows storage and …

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Wehead impowers Avatar enabled Video calls and more

Video conferencing has exploded over the last few year. But has it evolved? According to a report by Precedence Research, the global video conferencing market was estimated to grow to reach $22.26 billion, with a CAGR of 12.30% by 2032. The level of growth of video conferencing services made the technology an essential cornerstone of …

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Disruptive innovation that Takes Docking Technology to the Next Level with Kensington #CES2024

At  #CES2024, traditional consumer technology has evolved in the hope of transforming consumer productivity. The Next-Generation Thunderbolt™ 5 Dock Kensington announced the SD5000T5 Thunderbolt™ 5 Dock. Taking docking to a new level, it will support throughput speeds up to 120Gbps, three times the speed of Thunderbolt™ 4. Additionally, the SD5000T5 will deliver up to 140W …

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BenQ unveils Smart Tech Ready for the Future of Learning at OASBO

Technology has transformed education in many ways. It has facilitated access to learning, enhanced communication, collaboration, and provided a more personalized instruction. The  old days of chalk and blackboard have been replaced by innovative smart boards and projectors. Smart Boards Ready for the Future of Learning Tech innovator BenQ looks to provide educators with the …

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TCL brings a new view on AR wearables?

AR glasses are wearable devices that enhance the user’s perception of reality with digital overlays. They have a long history of development and innovation, dating back to the 1960s. In 1968, Ivan Sutherland, a Harvard professor and computer scientist, created the first head-mounted display system called ‘The Sword of Damocles’. Are AR/glasses popular ? Although …

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Setting up an ergonomic office workstation starts with your Mouse #Kensington

It’s October, which means it’s designated National Ergonomics Month. The facts and figures around workplace injuries due to bad ergonomics are no slouching matter. The U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics gives show that at least 33% of ergonomic injuries are from workplaces. Additionally, something as small as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) affects about 3% of …

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Coffee Aroma enhanced by Hikaru Smart Brewing

Coffee drinkers can easily taste the difference between an an average and an amazing cup of coffee. The fact is that coffee tastes so good because of the volatile compounds produced when we roast coffee beans and extract these flavors when we brew it with water at that perfect temperature. These simple steps give coffee …

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