Category: Office

High Tech Back to School locker Security

Students leave some pretty expensive items in their lockers including their smart phone(s), laptops, school supplies and clothing. Securing your school locker should should not be an afterthought. School is back in session and you are in middle or high school now. Usually this means lockers to store your school gear. In addition to buying …

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Why SSDs are Big Technology

Advances in computing technology are promising to transform the way Consumers work. If you have purchased a laptop or desktop over the last few years, most likely you have purchased a Solid-State Drive (SSD). Prior to this, traditional computing devices used the older hard disk drive (HDD) “nonvolatile” storage based technology.  The history of hard …

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Eliminate Office Risks with these 4 High Tech Devices

Whether it be Cloud computing or Artificial Intelligence, virtually no industry has not been touched by the digital revolution. However job transformation has had a dire impact on workers from a health perspective. An inactive  or  desk job can contribute to neck and back pain. This is especially true if you have poor posture or …

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Celebrate this Mother’s Day with a unique or one-of-a-kind gift

Celebrate this Mother’s Day with a unique or one-of-a-kind gift! Express yourself and create something really personal for your mom. Sure you can get a great pair of headphones, an ultra cool TV or even a nice speaker. However, if you really want to give a gift closer to the heart. You should consider something …

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A coffee that will charge your day and smart phone

Tuesday’s Cyber coffee brings you an innovative device that will not only power up your caffeine cravings. It will wireless charge your mobile phone also. TWINZ has created the KOPI Mug.  It is a conflation of high-tech disruptive technology combined with the design of a traditional coffee or tea cup.  The secret behind the KOPI …

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Is the Tech Industry getting greener?

Whether in a classroom or in the boardroom, the practice of taking hand written notes has been a habit that has stayed with me. Perhaps it was a skill that was ingrained into my consciousness from elementary school. Unfortunately this is not an environmentally sound activity. According to 3.5 billion to 7 billion trees …

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Employees Innovate with Disruptive Technology

Today’s workforce is more agile and mobile than it has ever been. The way we work has also changed rapidly in today’s digital economy. Teleworking has become a fairly accepted practice.  This is due to advances in internet access, technology and collaborative tools such as video conferencing. However, teleworking has not always been a savoured …

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Sound that will Inspire your Audio Transformation

Technology Disruption has changed the way we think, play and work. Disruptive Technology has resulted in Innovation and Transformation. Disruptive Technology such as Apple’s iPhone revolutionized many industries including mobile phones, digital cameras, satellite navigation systems, video cameras and PCs.  Looking to disrupt the way we listen to music, Cleer Audio has released a host of next generation …

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