I have a confession: I love watches… I know, it’s an illness that needs to be addressed, but I can’t help it. So, when I saw the Indiegogo campaign for Matrix PowerWatch, I was giddy with excitement. This watch was advertised to be powered through the wearer’s body heat, and would never have to be …
Category: Personal Care
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2019/02/14/why-wearables-at-time-can-become-unbearable/
Feb 13 2019
We’re splashing a little AI on Wearables this year
Wearables for Sports have evolved tremendously in 2019. They have incorporated High Tech AI Voice Technology enhancements to provide next-gen, personalized tracking and coaching. AI Technology to help you Train Harder and Smarter Created by Soul Electronics, BLADE is the world’s first AI Professional Sport earphones for running and fitness. BLADE is engineered with comfortable C shaped ergonomic ear …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2019/02/13/were-splashing-a-little-ai-on-wearables-this-year/
Feb 08 2019
Would you swipe right for an AI?
Would you swipe right for an AI? Valentine’s Day is for the romantics. It provides an opportunity to spend time with that special someone. However, contrary to the commercialism, it is not the day for everyone. According to the US Census Bureau 47.3 % or approximate 115.78 million 18 year olds or older are single. …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2019/02/08/would-you-swipe-right-for-an-ai/
Feb 06 2019
Enjoy a more Authentic Coffee experience with Gourmia
Throughout history, coffee has always been the cornerstone to bring people together. Whether it be a quick drink with friends at your local coffee house or at work where you get together with your colleagues. Coffee is the most unifying and ubiquitous drink. However in the last few years, technology has created a division in …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2019/02/06/enjoy-a-more-authentic-coffee-experience-with-gourmia/
Feb 05 2019
Personal Security has gone High-Tech with Tapplock One+
For end-consumers and enterprise clients, personal security has gone high tech. Just like James Bond who had Q to create the most memorable of gadgets, You too can secure your belongings at home, school or work with the latest in smart devices. Tapplock One+ is a fully functional fingerprint lock that enhances your personal security with a …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2019/02/05/personal-security-has-gone-high-tech-with-tapplock-one/
Oct 28 2018
Are Smart monitors the solution for you Baby ?
As a parent, you never stop to worry about your child day or night. As a result, parents look for a great baby monitor to ensure their baby is safe. The great thing is that #baby camera technology has evolved over the last few years. Consequently, if you like the flexibility of a secure #Smartmonitor, …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2018/10/28/are-smart-monitors-the-solution-for-you-baby/
Oct 12 2018
Is there a new Ring to the Wearables market ?
Bridging two traditionally disparate paradigms, Art and Technology has become essential for any Wearable Technology to be successful . The ability to provide consumers with something truly elegant yet technologically astute holds the promise of great financial success. Statistics show that the worldwide wearables market is forecast to grow to around 73 billion U.S. dollars …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2018/10/12/is-there-a-new-ring-to-the-wearables-market/
Sep 28 2018
Transformative Technology that will save Cyclists
Riding at night can be extremely dangerous, especially in the city. According to a Statistics Canada report, an an average of cycling 74 cyclists die in crashes every year. Several cities have engages in strategies to project cyclists including dedicated bike lanes, traffic calming and enhanced lighting separate and protect cyclists. Staying visible especially in …
Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2018/09/28/transformative-technology-that-will-save-cyclists/