Category: Personal Care

Will you give up on your fitness wearables?

Wearables are mainstream technology.  About 12% of all Americans own a fitness band or sports watch. The overall wearables industry is expected to almost double from 113.2 million shipments in 2017 to 222.3 million shipments in 2021. However despite the hype, research also indicates that  the effectiveness of fitness wearables  is limited with one third stop using them within …

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Premium Protection for the iPhone XR, XS and XS Max

Apple unveiled three new iPhones on Wednesday, introducing the new 5.8-inch iPhone XS (pronounced “ten-ess”), the 6.5-inch XS Max and the lower cost 6.1-inch iPhone XR. In addition to a Super Retina OLED display, two 12-megapixel camera lenses on the back, “Smart HDR” image blending, thanks to the elimination of the home button, all three …

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Should you be concerned about your Safety on Campus?

Many people still believe violence on college and university campuses is rare.  A survey conducted by the Association of American Universities (AAU) indicated among female undergraduate college students 23.1 percent said they experienced some form of unwanted sexual misconduct.  Our friends at Katana are determined to change these numbers and have developed a uniquely innovative …

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The Digital Backpack that will carry your load this school year

With the new school year upon us, whether you’re a parent prepping your kindergartner for their first day, or a college student setting out on your own for the first time, in addition to buying paper, pencils and a laptop getting a good backpack will be this year’s most important purchase. While students’ may fear …

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The Importance of local Cloud Storage for Consumers

The explosion of IoT and connected devices have resulted in an equally mind blowing growth in consumers backing up their handheld devices, portable computers and other connected gadgets onto internet storage space. According to Statistica, personal cloud storage worldwide will more than double from 1.1 billion in 2014 to 2.3B in 2020. Despite the convenience, …

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Explosively Immersive Luxurious Tech to Disrupt Wearables

The consumer market for wearables has exploded in an upward trajectory! In today’s ever-changing world of innovative technologies, the one consistent seems to be the disruptive power of wearable technology. A report by IDC shows just how much the global wearables industry will continue to grow. The overall industry is expected to almost double in …

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Wearable Tech that will Snore out, Spice up and enhance infinitely your marriage

Technology can be a tool to solve almost any problem. The mantra for Technology is about enabling solutions and helping people. Despite the selfish goal of making money, at the heart of any new technology innovation is the drive to solve fundamental problems people have. Take for example the simplistic problem of snoring. Snoring is …

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Thoughtful Stylish Mother’s Day Tech

Nothing beats getting your mom that personalized Mother’s Day gift, complemented with thoughtful technology. Below are a few our suggestions for home-run gifts that she will appreciate. Sanho Corporation Hyper has a wonderful 3.6” circular compact mirror with LED lighting that will charge up mom’s day and her mobile devices. The Pearl Compact Mirror + …

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