Category: Personal Care

Whether Pen or Tweet, Honor your Sweet this Valentine’s with the Geko Smart Whistle

Whether by Pen or a Tweet, Honor your Sweet this Valentine’s day! The legend behind Valentine’s day is said to honor a young priest named Valentine who was imprisoned by Emperor Claudius II because he performed secret marriages for young lovers. Whilst in jail he fell in love with the jailer’s daughter, and prior to his death, Valentine penned a letter to …

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Powering through Outages with the Renogy Solar Powered Generator Briefcase

Winter weather is a constant reminder that power outages can occur from a variety of situations, Recently a power outage in Eastern Canada resulted in thousands of customers without electricity for several days. A spokesman for New Brunswick power confirmed the total affected by the ice storm was more than 133,000 customers. During the outage …

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Sipping Gourmia IoT enabled iTea in the Kitchen

There is very little Internet of Things will not touch. Created in 1982 in Carnegie Mellon University by a group of computer science grad students who wanted to connect the Coke machine on the third floor to the university’s computer network, IOT has come a long way. According to IDC, IoT spending is forecast to reach …

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MOCACARE introduces MOCACuff a new #Wearable #Bluetooth Tech Gadget #CES2017

At the 2017 CES two of the most popular technology markets are #Wearable and #Medical gadgets. This is a reflection of the tremendous growth seen in 2016. According to the Kalorama 2016 Market Research, the global wearable medical device market exploded at a CAGR of 18.0% to over $13.2 billion in 2016. In #Wearables, healthcare …

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Consumers await for CES 2017 the Worlds Largest Electronics show in Las Vegas

Welcome to near eve of CES 2017 in Las Vegas. This year will mark 50 years of amazing technology. Just how do we summarize the expectations of the worlds largest and best Consumer Electronics Event? Well lets look at last year’s event to provide you with a taste of what to expect. Last year nearly 177,393 attendees …

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Cronovo the #IoT enabled #Smart Watch puts your Heart in your hands

Canada like many other countries is seeing a transformation of its population. Over the last year the demographics in Canada achieved a milestone. In 2015, the population of people 65 and older is now larger than the number of children under 15. What are the implications you may ask? Distinguishing itself from its predecessors striving …

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Bluetooth #IoT insoles can cure those Winter Chills

I have been known to get cold feet.  Literally in the winter my feet get so cold that they become numb.  I have tried almost everything including layering with socks, getting boots with thick insulation and even those portable heating pockets that work based on chemical reaction.   Unfortunately for me, in the Northern part of …

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Home Security Protection day and night for Seniors with the NETATMO Presence

Having two parents in the senior’s age category I know how seniors can face many difficulties as they grow older.   One unfortunate challenge is the safety and security. In Canada, recent high-profile ‘home invasion’ have received significant exposure in the media, particularly those where the elderly have been targeted. According to Statistics Canada, nearly three …

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