Category: Personal Care

Philips Saeco goes a finger above the rest with the Digital ID Automatic Espresso Machine

Gizmo readers, I know that some people take their coffee pretty seriously. In fact one of my favorite (Pulitzer Prize winning) syndicated columnist, Dave Barry is quoted as saying It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view …

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Easter Elegance with the MixBin High Society iPhone Case

On the weekend, I happened to watch the 1948 American musical Irving Berlin Classic of the Easter Parade. Whether it be their bonnets or top hats, it was wonderful to see the gents and ladies getting in their finest attire for Easter. Starring Fred Astaire and Judy Garland, these two classy Broadway stars emit elegance …

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The Outer Limits of Voice Recording with the Samson Meteor USB Studio Mic

If you have the next Bruno Mars or Christina Aguilera at home, them you will need a solution to foster that talent.  Here is a cost effective, portable microphone that will be perfect for that “Voice” in your house. The Samson Meteor Microphone, provides you with smooth and rich high quality recordings. This is done …

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Sony defines the Portable Personal Wearable 750″ 2D/3D HDTV

Gizmo readers, having visited a friend in Toronto I can truly say that living in a condo in a big city brings its own challenges. One of them being available real estate for entertainment including a large screen TV. Sony has developed a fantastic, portable, personal, wearable technology that can help to address some of …

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Gadgets for Geeks in Love: Sweetheart Phone Charger by Mixbin

Gizmo readers, only a few days until Valentines day and time is running out on getting that special gift for your sweetheart. Hear is a great gift that combines the theme of the holiday with a practical gadget that will boost your special one’s phone and perhaps your love life. The Sweetheart charger by Mixbin …

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Safety and Security with the StickNFind Track-able Thin Stickers

Having traveled extensively to different parts of the world I can say that one thing is very constant in different countries and that is the ever present pick pocket or local thief who seems to be able to pick out and target tourists visiting.  It is easy to replace some of your valuables (phone, computer …

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Gadget Stocking Fillers with the Withings Pulse Smart Tracker

My sister is very active. Between her soccer, hot yoga and martial arts she is constantly on the go. This year she is looking for that special gift in the form of a electronic fitness coach that will help her to measure the activity of herself and her kids. One of the other challenges is …

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Hot Thursday Cleanup with the iShower water-resistant wireless speaker

Here is a cool gizmo that will really clean up. The iShower is a water-resistant speaker that connects to your audio device (Tablet, Smart phone, MP3 player) by Bluetooth. As long as Bluetooth is enabled, simply turn on the iShower and pair it with your device. The On-device controls including Play/Pause/Back/Forward, Volume up/down will allow …

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