Category: Personal Care

#HighTech Wireless, Night vision, sexy #NewGizmo security at an affordable price brought to you by @hivelabs

We are all aware of the power of social networks. Well Australian company Hive has extended this into the home security realm. Hive has attempted to replace the cost of expensive security companies by leveraging the eyes of trusted social networks to a wireless, battery-powered, motion detecting, night vision enabled camera. At a fraction of …

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NewGizmo protection for your mini with the @Logitech ultrathin Keyboard Folio for iPad mini

Having purchased another iPad mini this summer, I have been on the look out for accessories to enhance it. Logitech having mastered the art of knowing what the consumer wants has just released the ultrathin Keyboard Folio for iPad mini. The design of this keyboard simply rocks. Thin, light and bluetooth enabled. In addition to …

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Flip out over Samsung’s Galaxy S4 S-View Flip Cover Folio Case

Some of our readers have asked us for information about Galaxy accessories. Well over the weekend I had the pleasure of going to a friends 50th birthday party. At the party I got into talking with some of the guests and got into a discussion with one of the cousins regarding her Samsung Galaxy S4. …

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New Gizmo stays Cool with Hot Gadgets. The @Brookstone Bed Fan with Wireless Remote

  Gizmo readers nothing is more difficult than going to bed in the summer in this hot and humid weather. Even the momentary cool of the sheets is short lived. Well Brookstone had developed a great accessory to cool your bed and make sleeping pleasantly comfortable. The Brookstone Bed Fan with Wireless Remote efficiently will …

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Travel wise with the Philips USB Charging Men’s Electric Shaver

Gizmo readers, as you are aware when you go to another country one of the challenges is getting converters for all your products. Well our friends at Philips have designed a USB charging Men’s Electric shaver that will eliminate the need for a converter. Simply plug it into your USB port and it will recharge. …

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Gizmo Baby Tweets with Kickbee the High Tech Pregnancy Belt

It seems that kids these days are becoming more technologically educated at an earlier age.   However, here is a gizmo that may have pushed this concept to a new level. Kickbee is a cool gadget that senses when baby is active and tweets when it detects baby has kicked mommy.  The concept behind the technology …

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Baby Gizmo gets down to business with the iPotty with Activity Seat for iPad

A close relative of mine is expecting their first child and I have been looking for a baby gift for them. One of the challenges is that I don’t know the gender of the child. I do know however both of the parents are very technologically astute parents. Looking online I came across a perfect …

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The InVoca3, a Voice Activated remote

Sometimes we purchase gizmos and gadgets because they make our life easier. Other times it may be because they are cool. Well gizmo readers, this is one of the times where I talk about a gadget that does could be a wonderful tool for those challenged health wise, but is also useful for the Al …

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