Category: Security / Safety

Smart Masks to help people connect

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. Wearing a face mask in public has become an everyday necessity for many of us.  Masks, Sanitizers and hand washing have become the mantra during the past year.  Masks are one component of a comprehensive strategy to suppress transmission and provide an additional protection . Mask sales were projected to grow by a 153.1% in …

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Say Goodbye to Your Traditional Neighbourhood Watch

Ring pro 4

Smart home technology has taken a dramatic uptake in securing consumer’s homes. According to Statista the revenue of the Smart Home segment Security in North America was almost 4 M U.S. dollars in 2019. With an exponential forecast in growth to almost 284 million devices to be in use in 2023 the market is expected …

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The Best Smart Home Devices at #CES2021


Trends in Home automation, IoT and Smart home are on full displayed at #CES2021.  There are a multitude of smart home products  being showcased.  Everything from speakers, lights, doorbells, cameras, windows, window blinds, appliances.  Here is a snippet of some of the eye catching ideas for consumers seen at #CES2021. From your Shower Ampere introduced …

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Why should I upgrade to Wi-Fi 6?

Velop ax4200 1

One of the buzz words with home networking is Wi-Fi 6.  You may ask what is Wi-Fi6 and whats the big deal? Wi-Fi 6 is the next-generation wireless standard. From a timeframe, Wi-Fi 4  or 802.11n was released in 2009.  802.11ac or Wi-Fi 5 was released in 2014. Wi-Fi 6 is the new version, also …

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Apple 5G iPhones

Iphone 12

Apple’s new long waited devices faced a crunch last month but finally, it will be available at your nearest apple store or a click away.  Apple’s new iPhone 12 and the iPhone 12 Pro lineup comes standard with 5G, A14 Bionic chips, edge to edge Ceramic shield Super Retina XDR display with a new body.  …

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Back to School – Must have PPE for your Tech

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We understand that you or your kids are going to drop your technology occasionally. We all know that smart technology whether it be computers, phones or tablets are an expensive investment. This is  why our friends at Catalyst have designed their tech cases to go beyond basic protection.  The iPad 10.2  is Apple’s enhanced yet …

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Ensure to clean your #Smart Devices to slow the spread of this pandemic

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With the dire situation we are under, “Doctors and world health experts have stressed repeatedly, washing your hands with soap and water is the best precautionary measure we can take in the global effort to slow the spread of this pandemic,” However, what we forget is that the besides our hands, one of the things …

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LiFi Tech to Rock and Secure your house #CES2020

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Designed to provide homeowners with a platform that connects the home, French Technologists HAVR is developing tomorrow’s IoT access control system to make your house smarter and more secure today. There are a multitude of smart locks on the market. HAVR‘s BrightLock is a different connected lock that distinguishes itself from the competition. Unlike smart …

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