Category: Travel

Belkin unveils the future of IoT connectivity at #CES2019

CES2019 is a showcase of human and machine connectivity. Connected technology enables digital and social transformation. Today the #IoT landscape features an extreme diversity of available connectivity solutions. Belkin International brands for the first time since merging with Foxconn Interconnect Technology (FIT), today announces its 2019 portfolio of connected things (Belkin) and connected home (Linksys, …

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Sometimes Smaller is not Better: Kensington gives laptops a boost

In this season of giving, you may be manipulated by advertising into believing that only good things come in small packages. It doesn’t matter which technology.  Whether it be smaller cell phones or thiner televisions. The trend in consumer technology over that last few years has been that only smaller is better.  Despite, the gain in performance, …

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Is your Laptop Out Of The Loop ?

Today we celebrate the 37th anniversary of the Laptop. Created because Desktops were too heavy to carry around, the Laptop was supposed to make life easier for consumers. Laptops were invented by Adam Osborne in 1981. The “Osborne 1” was powered by the CP/M 2.2 operating system, had no onboard battery a tiny 5-inch (13 …

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An Amalgamation of Sound and Enviro friendly Technology

Technology has to power to Transform, Revolutionize and Disrupt. However, Technology can have a much bigger impact by reducing the global footprint of waste in our landfills and water. TVs, computers, mobile phones, and other digital devices increasingly are made to be thrown away.  A simple stat to highlight this is the, 79 per cent …

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Can you keep up with your Smart Suitcase?

The  potential for disruption by Autonomous Technology is evident in personal automobiles, delivery and transport trucks and even taxis. However what is not obvious of the impact of Autonomous Technology is the radical transformation that will occur in the daily lives of consumers in the most basic of areas. More than just a novelty, the aspiring …

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How to protect your iPhone from Spooky Halloween Tricks

Forget about gruesome ghosts or goblins, the scariest thing that can happen to you this Halloween is dropping, scratching or damaging your new iPhone.  We all know that smart phones are an expensive investment.  The cost of an iPhone XS ranges from  $999 for 64GB,  up to $1,349 for 512GB, while the iPhone XS Max costs …

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This years Spookiest Smart Tech for Halloween

Halloween decorations traditionally equate to fake tombstones on the front lawn, spider web decals on the window, a spooky soundtrack and of course the time honored tradition of carving a pumpkin. Unfortunately because of the great damage it causes, the tradition of pumpkin carving should be eliminated. The U.S. Energy Department warned that when Halloween …

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Is there a new Ring to the Wearables market ?

Bridging two traditionally disparate paradigms, Art and Technology has become essential for any Wearable Technology to be successful . The ability to provide consumers with something truly elegant yet technologically astute holds the promise of great financial success. Statistics show that the worldwide wearables market is forecast to grow to around 73 billion U.S. dollars …

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