Category: Travel

Amplify the Thrill of Riding with the Cosmo Connected IoT Motorcycle helmet brake light

Just in time for the spring release of Motorcycles, Mopeds and other electronic two wheeled vehicles comes the Cosmo Connected mobile helmet brake light. French company Cosmo Connected have developed a light weight polycarbonate and EPDM mobile helmet that helps alert when a deceleration of a motorcycle driver occurs. Whether, New York, Paris, Toronto, or …

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Taking the Selfie to the next level with the AirSelfie Camera

The selfie has revolutionized the way we look at the world around us and ourselves. Whether at school, or at a famous landmark the selfie seems to have become the standard for photography. Like it or not, selfies encourage consumers to express and celebrate oneself. This is why I fell in love with the latest …

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Spring Whistles in with GEKO the world’s first #IoT Smart Whistle

With Spring officially kicking off this week, we thought we would introduce you to a great High Tech #IoT enabled device that not only looks cool, has amazing features, but may also save your life. GEKO is the world’s first Smart Whistle . A concatination of Whistle, GPS and Mobile link gadget. The Smart Whistle comes …

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Track It in seconds with the FindX Bluetooth Tracker

RapidX has designed a small Bluetooth device that can help you track your items in seconds My fatal flaw is that I am constantly losing my keys. Whether it be in pant or coat pockets or forgetting it on tables, I seem to be challenged in trying to locate my keys. The great news is …

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MyKronoz Transforms Wearable Technology with the ZeRound Premium Metal Smartwatch

This year for Valentine’s day I picked up a personalized Smart Wearable fashion accessory. Wearable technology on any occasion is the perfect gift. The ZeRound Premium Metal Smartwatch with circular touchscreen combines Swiss Technology, Style and Elegance to deliver a Smart Wearable that looks and feels like your traditional watch. If you are the kind of person who …

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Whether Pen or Tweet, Honor your Sweet this Valentine’s with the Geko Smart Whistle

Whether by Pen or a Tweet, Honor your Sweet this Valentine’s day! The legend behind Valentine’s day is said to honor a young priest named Valentine who was imprisoned by Emperor Claudius II because he performed secret marriages for young lovers. Whilst in jail he fell in love with the jailer’s daughter, and prior to his death, Valentine penned a letter to …

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Powering through Outages with the Renogy Solar Powered Generator Briefcase

Winter weather is a constant reminder that power outages can occur from a variety of situations, Recently a power outage in Eastern Canada resulted in thousands of customers without electricity for several days. A spokesman for New Brunswick power confirmed the total affected by the ice storm was more than 133,000 customers. During the outage …

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Digital Transformation with the Duo Ultimate Ballpoint Pen and Stylus

Society’s digital transformation has touched almost every part of our lives. However there is one traditional writing tool that has redefined itself and that is the pen.. UK start-up 529 has announced the unveiling of the DUO Ultimate Ballpoint Pen and Stylus. Made out of precision machined solid piece of aluminum bar, this beautiful modern stylus …

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