227 results for apple

Portable, Powerful Audio Empowerment for the iPhone X

Whether you are part of the iOS or Android army, you will agree that some of the decisions taken by Apple on the iPhone X bring challenges to consumers. Since the release of the iPhone 7 mobile Apple users saw the disappearance of the headphone jack, to be replace with Apple provided AirPods. Unfortunately, the iPhoneX didn’t …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2017/11/06/portable-powerful-audio-empowerment-for-the-iphone-x/

Are You Too Clever For a NUU Success?

Apple had created a stir recently with the release of the iPhone X.  However for most consumers, laying down $1000 USD on a phone may not be an option.  However to address this consumer concern, NUU Mobile has released a line of consumer and cost affordable smartphones including the NUU Mobile M3. If your looking for an Android phone to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2017/10/30/are-you-too-clever-for-a-nuu-success/

Mac Duality with Enviro-friendly Display Technology

Anyone who has migrated from a single to a dual display monitor configuration has seen the power and intrinsic advantages of having a second monitor. Two monitors enable you to simply run multiple applications and extend your workspace optimally. Instead of pressing Alt+Tab to switch between screens, you can view, edit and interact seamlessly between multiple …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2017/10/11/mac-duality-with-enviro-friendly-display-technology/

A Bluetooth Cloudburst of Immersive Disruptive Fashion Technology

Long gone are the days where the paths of Fashion and Technology are mutually exclusive. #FashionTech has become a highly progressive, harmonious,  partnership. Mainstream Technology companies such as Apple and LG have intrinsically linked the elegance and sophistication of design with the bleeding edge technology components. The union of Art, Design and Technology are stylishly showcased by the Richard …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2017/09/22/a-bluetooth-cloudburst-of-immersive-disruptive-fashion-technology/

The Future of Mobile Browsing begins with the ZEISS VR ONE Plus

Virtual reality has taken off in the last year. But has it finally become the mainstream mobile medium for Consumers? Over the last month I had the fun of test driving the ZEISS VR ONE Plus Headset. With this mobile virtual display headset, the R in VR is short for Really amazing.The ZEISS VR ONE Plus Headset is the coolest …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2017/03/28/the-future-of-mobile-browsing-begins-with-the-zeiss-vr-one-plus/

Sipping Gourmia IoT enabled iTea in the Kitchen

There is very little Internet of Things will not touch. Created in 1982 in Carnegie Mellon University by a group of computer science grad students who wanted to connect the Coke machine on the third floor to the university’s computer network, IOT has come a long way. According to IDC, IoT spending is forecast to reach …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2017/02/06/sipping-gourmia-iot-enabled-itea-in-the-kitchen/

Sports Analytics hits the Slope with the #IoT enabled Trace Action Sports Tracker

Whether watching football, basketball, baseball or hockey, we are all aware that the latest trend is analytics. Whether keeping track of useful stats (i.e. possession of the puck/ball, completions, interceptions) or useless stats, analytics has become more than a passing fancy.  Professional teams have put together groups within their corporation to gather, analyze and use …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2016/12/13/sports-analytics-hits-the-slope-with-the-iot-enabled-trace-action-sports-tracker/

Bluetooth #IoT insoles can cure those Winter Chills

I have been known to get cold feet.  Literally in the winter my feet get so cold that they become numb.  I have tried almost everything including layering with socks, getting boots with thick insulation and even those portable heating pockets that work based on chemical reaction.   Unfortunately for me, in the Northern part of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2016/12/02/bluetooth-iot-insoles-can-cure-those-winter-chills/