752 results for phone

Rise of the Next-Gen Smart Lamp with LumiCharge

Not all Smart home Technology is the same.  IoT technology has shown us that some connected devices are truly more intelligent than others.  LumiCharge II is an innovative product that will evolve smart technology on your desk or bedside.   It is designed to support your connected lifestyle while keeping your work space free of unwanted cables.  Although LumiCharge …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2019/03/05/rise-of-the-next-gen-smart-lamp-with-lumicharge/

Tech on the tip of your tongue

Languages are important When it comes to travel, there are some gadgets that are essential including Universal (All-in-One) Plug Adapters,  phone chargers and headphones. Nevertheless, one item often overlooked is tech that helps with the language barrier. Having the ability to communicate in the local language will allow you to absorb the culture. However, many …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2019/03/04/tech-on-the-tip-of-your-tongue/

From Bigger to Bendable! What will Mobility do next?

  At one time, the trend for Smartphones was Bigger. However, the  headline at the 2019 Mobile World Congress is Bendable mobility. Whether it be the announcements of Samsung’s Galaxy Fold or Huawei’s Mate X or TCL’s DragonHinge.  Life has changed dramatically for smart phones.  Mobility has gone on a bender. Not to be left out. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2019/02/26/from-bigger-to-bendable-what-will-mobility-do-next/

Sound that will Inspire your Audio Transformation

Technology Disruption has changed the way we think, play and work. Disruptive Technology has resulted in Innovation and Transformation. Disruptive Technology such as Apple’s iPhone revolutionized many industries including mobile phones, digital cameras, satellite navigation systems, video cameras and PCs.  Looking to disrupt the way we listen to music, Cleer Audio has released a host of next generation …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2019/02/19/sound-that-will-inspire-your-audio-transformation/

Why Wearables at Time can become Unbearable

I have a confession: I love watches… I know, it’s an illness that needs to be addressed, but I can’t help it. So, when I saw the Indiegogo campaign for Matrix PowerWatch, I was giddy with excitement. This watch was advertised to be powered through the wearer’s body heat, and would never have to be …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2019/02/14/why-wearables-at-time-can-become-unbearable/

We’re splashing a little AI on Wearables this year

Wearables for Sports have evolved  tremendously in 2019.  They have incorporated  High Tech AI Voice Technology enhancements to provide next-gen, personalized tracking and coaching. AI Technology to help you Train Harder and Smarter Created by Soul Electronics,  BLADE is the world’s first AI Professional Sport earphones for running and fitness.  BLADE is  engineered with comfortable C shaped ergonomic ear …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2019/02/13/were-splashing-a-little-ai-on-wearables-this-year/

Light Tech that will power you at Work or Home

On February 11th, National Inventors day, we honour the great thinkers, past and present. With a total of 1,093 U.S. patents, Thomas Edison was widely known as the America’s most prolific inventor. Edison was credited with the first public demonstration of the Incandescent light bulb in 1879. The Evolution of the Lighting Technology As you …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2019/02/11/light-tech-that-will-power-you-at-work-or-home/

Would you swipe right for an AI?

Would you swipe right for an AI? Valentine’s Day is for the romantics. It provides an opportunity to spend time with that special someone. However, contrary to the commercialism, it is not the day for everyone. According to the US Census Bureau 47.3 % or approximate 115.78 million 18 year olds or older are single. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2019/02/08/would-you-swipe-right-for-an-ai/