752 results for phone

Become David Guetta with the iDance Zero ..

Rather than hiring a DJ for your wedding, graduation or a family party, why not crank out the songs yourself. The iDance Zero, made by Hong Kong company DJ-Tech, is a very a mobile iPod DJ console that provides a full mixture of professional features including scratch, sample and nine digital effects (scratch, filter, eco, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2013/04/07/become-david-guetta-with-the-idance-zero/

PhotoFast flash for your iPad, iPad mini and other Apple devices

An even simpler flash drive for your Apple iPad/ iPod / iPhone. Just a few days ago, you will remember I talked about the Hammacher Schlemmer USB flash drive. One of our readers (Jack from Flint) sent me email regarding a An even simpler flash drive they use on their iPad. Specifically designed for the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2013/04/07/photofast-flash-for-your-ipad-ipad-mini-and-other-apple-devices/

An Elite Wireless Sound Package that will set your music free

There is a saying that if you love something you should set it free. The iHome iW3 Air-Play wireless audio system has taken this saying to heart. No longer do you need to tie down your music to one room in your house. Wirelessly stream your iPod, iPad, iPhone, computer or mobile device music from …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2013/04/04/an-elite-wireless-sound-package-that-will-set-your-music-free/

Find relaxation with Deepak Chopra’s Dream Weaver

The daily stress of our lifestyles makes it very difficult for us to relax. Often even during the long commute home on the train or bus it takes each of us a while to come down from the hectic day. Well readers, Deepak Chopra has developed a device called the Dream Weaver which uses light …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2013/04/04/find-relaxation-with-deepak-chopras-dream-weaver/

Go 007 with the Avatar Digital Camera

Having watched the latest 007 movie at home has put me into the mood of spyware. Whether in Brussels, Moscow or small town USA we gizmo technophites all are looking for the latest in gizmo extraordinaire. Unfortunately unlike Bond, none of us have Q in the wings with the latest in spy technology. However don’t …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2013/04/04/go-007-with-the-avatar-digital-camera/

iPad USB Flash drive

Have you ever wanted to connect a USB flash drive to your iPad? Having purchased an iPad mini for my mother recently I have had a lot of fun showing her how to use some of the apps. One of my biggest challenges is sharing files with her. She is more than capable of extracting …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2013/04/03/ipad-usb-flash-drive/

WakaWaka Solar Powered Lamps with a conscience

Our readers are not only astute but many of them are looking for and asking for products that are both technologically advanced and the company behind the product has a conscience. Engineered by a company called Invitation from the Netherlands, the new WakaWaka is Solar powered device that can fully power most mobile phones from …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2013/04/03/wakawaka-solar-powered-lamps-with-a-conscience/

Get the party started with the GI ipico Handheld projector

Here is a small but essential device that should be part of your entertainment kit. The ipico handheld personal projector is a unique, affordable and highly portable projector created by General Imaging that is light weight (3.6 ounces) and will not take a lot of real estate in your electronic kit. To use, simply snap …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2013/04/03/get-the-party-started-with-the-gi-ipico-handheld-projector/