Category: Organization

Have you tried a Smart Smoothie?

Why not Power-Up with an amazing Smoothie topped up with Bluetooth and AI? Eating healthy can be a difficult thing to do. Whether it be our fast paced lifestyle or the easily available but unhealthy processed foods. Unhealthy eating habits and physical inactivity comes with some tragic consequences. According to the Centers for Disease Control …

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The Quintessential back to school Tech list

The quintessential back to school checklist begins with 5 smart Tech tools to help navigate the new year. The start of the new school year can be exciting. With new teachers, a new classroom and new challenges, students should be provided with the tools to not only survive but excel. No matter if it is …

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Eliminate Office Risks with these 4 High Tech Devices

Whether it be Cloud computing or Artificial Intelligence, virtually no industry has not been touched by the digital revolution. However job transformation has had a dire impact on workers from a health perspective. An inactive  or  desk job can contribute to neck and back pain. This is especially true if you have poor posture or …

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Employees Innovate with Disruptive Technology

Today’s workforce is more agile and mobile than it has ever been. The way we work has also changed rapidly in today’s digital economy. Teleworking has become a fairly accepted practice.  This is due to advances in internet access, technology and collaborative tools such as video conferencing. However, teleworking has not always been a savoured …

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Sometimes Smaller is not Better: Kensington gives laptops a boost

In this season of giving, you may be manipulated by advertising into believing that only good things come in small packages. It doesn’t matter which technology.  Whether it be smaller cell phones or thiner televisions. The trend in consumer technology over that last few years has been that only smaller is better.  Despite, the gain in performance, …

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How Technology is teaching Millennials to take better notes

One of the most difficult tasks in school is note taking. Effective note taking keeps a precise record of a class lecture and will help you understand the information more efficiently. Digitizing your notes will help you to browse, search and review your information quickly. The significance of note taking has increased with the rise …

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Enhance your Travel Experience with the essential USB-C Travel Dock

Every trip requires a different set of tools.    I always have tons of gadgets when I travel.  Unfortunately due to smaller carry on weight and size limits, I have had to take note and limit my devices. Whether if you are an occasional or frequent business traveler, taking “must have” technology is essential to …

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Are Millennials the biggest Tech losers?

Are Millennials the biggest Tech losers? According to a  survey conducted by IDG Research this could be the case.  Millennials are twice as likely to misplace their smart phones, key’s and other devices in comparison to the Baby Boomer generation. These misplaced or stolen devices can lead to greater loss including identity theft, loss of …

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