Tech Art that will levitate your spirits

The Tech Art movement has captivated consumers with the immersion of elegantly disruptive next generation technology and the creativity of awe inspiring art.

Such is the case with a collection of Levitating Sculptures being unveiled on Kickstarter. These electromagnetically suspended 3D works of art feature the largest and heaviest objects to ever be levitated using a single standalone device. The new collection features three distinctly upscale pieces (with more planned for the future):

    • Sitting Buddha — For creating harmony within a space and inspiring contemplation
    • Firebowl — For encouraging gathering and creating a sense of community
    •  Polystone — For reminding one to be strong and to persevere

The Technology behind the elegance

Each of these mesmerizing pieces float effortlessly through the power of electromagnetic suspension technology. Suspension is a term given to the damping devices such as springs and shock. You would find suspension technologies in vehicles. EMS or electromagnetic suspension takes suspension technology to another plateau.  It is achieved by altering the strength of a magnetic field produced by electromagnets constantly using a feedback loop. The magnetic field is produced by the flow of electrons from magnets. The end result of the magnetic field would be the levitating statues.  However, when there is a cut off in the flow of electrons or when the current reduces, there will be a loss in the magnetic field.

Despite the technology complexity, after 3 years of development, the engineers at the Levitating Design Lab have taken the magnetic power to another level, enabling them to levitate these large sculptures. Each of the sculptures come in three eye catching colours allowing you to match them to your room decor. The Levitating Sculptures come with the Levitating brand’s strongest Base+ technology to date and are paired with their newly developed assist plates, which make it even easier to levitate on demand. The base also comes in a wired or wireless power source.

According to Joel Paglione from the Levitating Design Lab.

“Our hope is that the burgeoning community of tech art designers and makers will be inspired to experiment with this new form of sculpturing and create their own pieces. We’re endlessly inspired by the creativity surrounding this culture and we hope to give some of that inspiration back by making the impossible possible,” 


The Levitating Sculpture Kickstarter Campaign will launch on Friday, September 13

Features and Specifications

  • Colors: Matte Black, Matte Black & Gold, or Matte Black & Silver
  • Rotation Direction: Depends on the gravitational pull of the moon & sun
  • Power: Available with wired or wireless, chargeable bases
  • Wireless Power: battery lasts 5-10 hours on a single charge
  • Status: Seeking funding on Kickstarter (starting on September 13)

For more information or to acquire the: Levitating Sculptures

About The Levitating Design Lab
The Levitating Design Lab have spent years designing, engineering, and developing their electromagnetic suspension technology and transforming it into the first portable, affordable, and elegant device on the market..

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