3 results for smarthomes

Smarthomes get smarter as TP-Link enhances your home network

 Whether it be smart thermostats, connected coffee makers or machine intelligent face recognition security cameras, the tidal wave of IoT enabled devices continues to roll out into the smart home. As the amount of connected sensors increase, the importance of an ever expanding but secure home network cannot be understated. TP-Link is looking forward to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2018/09/25/smarthomes-get-smarter-as-tp-link-enhances-your-home-network/

Linksys unveils the Disruptive Dual-Band Velop Wireless Mesh for SmartHomes

Linksys announced today the expansion of its modular mesh WiFi  family to include the Dual-Band Velop.  TheDual-Band Velop‘s modular design comes in 1, 2 or 3 nodes which is customizable every home footprint and size.  Similar to the Tri-Band Velop, the Dual-Band Velop can be interspersed with either Dual-band and Tri-band Velops in the same network. The Dual-Band Velop is smaller …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2018/05/01/linksys-unveils-the-disruptive-dual-band-wireless-mesh-for-smarthomes/

IoT Kitchen Transformations and AI Food innovations

In a world with Smart Cities, Smart Cars and Smart Homes. The Smart Kitchen is being transformed with Next Gen Technology immersed with AI and IoT. The Mellow Duo is the first smart sous-vide machine that will revolutionize your kitchen and cooking. Sous vide is a cooking technique that not only takes your food preparation …

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Permanent link to this article: https://newgizmoblog.com/2019/11/19/iot-kitchen-transformations-and-ai-food-innovations/