Category: Android

FindMy Wallet? Slimca Here will tell you where it is

Finding a Lost or Stolen Wallet can be a challenge! According to a study conducted in the United States, it is estimated that nearly 300,000 wallets are stolen each and every year. Outside of the obvious loss of money, the biggest challenge is recovering your id cards and contacting your bank to replace your banking …

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Cognitive WiFi Mesh to enhance your Home Network by Linksys

WiFi has gotten a makeover with the next generation in Wi-Fi 6 mesh systems The weakest link on the home network has traditionally been your WiFi. However, WiFi has evolved from being a slow connected relative to its ethernet cousin. Today it is not only bigger and faster but more intelligent. The Linksys Velop Pro …

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Data and Innovative Tech for a Healthier Lifestyle #Eufy

Innovative Technology has resulted in positive changes that will enable each and every one of us to live a healthier life. Technology has altered different aspects of our lives. Take for example traditional scales. Once only designed to measure body weight to the best of its ability, scales have changed dramatically. This is evident with …

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Synology launches a Lil NAS to help protect consumers from threats

In the year 2023, it appears that ransomware continues to persist as a significant threat. Such attacks have been observed to cause widespread disruptions across the country.  This has lead to the closure of educational institutions, affecting healthcare facilities, and even impeding the operations of government  agencies. Organizations are recognizing the detrimental consequences of such …

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Duobo offers Coffee with a side of Tech

No one knows the exact origins of coffee. According to some sources, coffee was discovered by a local goat herder called Kaldi in Ethiopia many centuries ago. He seemed to notice that his goats became energetic from eating the berries and wouldn’t even sleep at night. Over the centuries drinking coffee in the morning has …

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Take Note of your next meeting with ChatGPT enabled Plaud

Whether in the office, at home or in school, the ability to take good and accurate notes is an important skill. We live in a technological era where digital tools are at our fingertips to make life easier. Laptops, tablets and mobile phones have become the go-to note-taking method for many. However, the challenge with …

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Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3

The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 is an exciting phone that caught my attention with its innovative design. As someone who loves to keep up with the latest technology, the folding feature was particularly intriguing to me. I was excited to try it out and see how it compared to traditional smartphones. After using the …

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Enlighten your Cooking Experience! #MyBravaHome

The Brava smart oven offers consumers a cooking experience that differentiates it from the traditional. The IOT connected kitchen keeps on getting smarter and more powerful.   The cornerstone of any kitchen is its oven appliance. Although not found in your recipe book, this smart appliance provides a little dash of technology to spice up your …

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