No one knows the exact origins of coffee. According to some sources, coffee was discovered by a local goat herder called Kaldi in Ethiopia many centuries ago. He seemed to notice that his goats became energetic from eating the berries and wouldn’t even sleep at night. Over the centuries drinking coffee in the morning has …
Category: Android
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Sep 07 2023
Take Note of your next meeting with ChatGPT enabled Plaud
Whether in the office, at home or in school, the ability to take good and accurate notes is an important skill. We live in a technological era where digital tools are at our fingertips to make life easier. Laptops, tablets and mobile phones have become the go-to note-taking method for many. However, the challenge with …
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Feb 16 2023
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3
The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 is an exciting phone that caught my attention with its innovative design. As someone who loves to keep up with the latest technology, the folding feature was particularly intriguing to me. I was excited to try it out and see how it compared to traditional smartphones. After using the …
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Mar 23 2022
Enlighten your Cooking Experience! #MyBravaHome
The Brava smart oven offers consumers a cooking experience that differentiates it from the traditional. The IOT connected kitchen keeps on getting smarter and more powerful. The cornerstone of any kitchen is its oven appliance. Although not found in your recipe book, this smart appliance provides a little dash of technology to spice up your …
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Mar 07 2022
Ultra Modern Tech for the Urban Cyclist
Cycling has long been one of the fastest, most flexible and reliable methods of transport in the city. However, during the pandemic years, consumers have been pedal to the metal all over the country for cycling. Bicycles provided both a eco-friendly commuting option and an outdoor activity at a time when COVID-19 travel bans and …
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Feb 10 2022
Steam up your lunch, Slow down your day
Is our lifestyle killing us? Our fast paced day in the 21st century. means that we are always in a hurry. We do not stand still. We cook our food quickly and eat on the run. Researchers have estimated the impact of poor eating contributes to approximately 11 million deaths each year globally due …
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Jan 07 2022
Scosche unveils tech that will give your Smartphone a charge #CES2022
The technologies that 10 years ago we could only dream about are coming alive at #CES2022. If smartphones could speak, they would be talking about the latest accessories from tech innovator Scosche. The latest in leading mobile technology includes disruptive new phone mounts, speakers and wireless charging devices. Give your phone a charge while on …
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Jan 05 2022
Disruptive Home Automation Tech #CES2022
In some areas of society, technology has become an inseparable part of daily life However, in other demographics, it has not become as disruptive of a force. due to the challenges with accessibility. The population 50 and older in the U.S. will generate $7.6 trillion in economic activity. However, beyond the economic impact, technology for this …
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